"give" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

give Verb

give + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 1578
give birth • give way • give rise • give permission • give credit • give advice • give instructions • give insight • give notice • ...
Verb + give
Kolokacji: 157
avoid giving • stop giving • begin giving • start giving • keep giving • help give • want give • die giving • consider giving • continue give • ...
give + Präposition
Kolokacji: 101
give up • give back • give out • give off • give to • ...
give + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 174
give away • given annually • freely given • give generously • finally give • eventually give • originally given • especially given • ...
1. give away = poprowadzić pannę młodą do ołtarza give away
3. freely given = swobodnie dany freely given
7. simply give = po prostu daj simply give
8. especially given = szczególnie dany especially given
15. once give = kiedyś daj once give
18. later give = później daj later give
20. particularly given = szczególnie dany particularly given
21. better give = lepiej daj better give
24. given directly = dany bezpośrednio given directly
27. give forth = emitować, wydzielać (np. dym, spaliny), roztoczyć (np. zapach) give forth
28. alternatively give = ewentualnie daj alternatively give
31. hopefully give = przy odrobinie szczęścia daj hopefully give
33. finally give up = w końcu machnij ręką finally give up
34. give up easily = machnij ręką łatwo give up easily
  • Two doses are routinely given at 12 to 15 months and 4 to 6 years of age.
  • He now says white case officers were routinely given more time to meet less demanding standards.
  • The vaccine would probably not be given routinely, but to people at risk during an outbreak.
  • Lilly is routinely given little run support, and tonight was no exception.
  • So a manager who routinely gives orders might get better results by first asking workers what they think.
  • The elderly are routinely given every possible test, whether indicated or not, and the more expensive the better.
  • Company officers routinely gave themselves options to buy shares at the offering price.
  • And local residents are routinely given discounts at the city's better hotels.
  • Most universities routinely give free Internet access to any student or professor who requests it.
  • Routinely given the governor's schedule, they attended his public appearances.
43. given intravenously = wstrzyknięty dożylnie given intravenously
47. eventually give up = ostatecznie machnij ręką eventually give up
48. alone give = w pojedynkę daj alone give
49. gladly give = chętnie daj gladly give
50. easily give = łatwo daj easily give
51. clearly give = najwyraźniej daj clearly give
54. barely give = ledwie daj barely give
57. kindly give = życzliwie daj kindly give
59. constantly give = ciągle daj constantly give
60. given orally = dany ustnie given orally

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