"found" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

found Verb

found + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 740
found members • found cause • found expression • found words • found one's way • found evidence • found a place • found one's body • ...
1. found members = znalezieni członkowie found members
21. found use = znalezione wykorzystanie found use
22. found support = znalezione wsparcie found support
23. found employment = znalezione zatrudnienie found employment
24. found refuge = znalezione schronienie found refuge
35. found objects = znalezione przedmioty found objects
36. found a book = znaleziony książka found a book
39. found fault = znaleziona wina found fault
43. found a note = znaleziony notatka found a note
46. found a seat = znaleziony miejsce found a seat
47. found favor = znaleziona przysługa found favor
49. found the remains = znaleziony pozostałości found the remains
50. found ground = znaleziona ziemia found ground
52. found levels = znalezione poziomy found levels
53. found shot = znaleziony strzał found shot
54. found the key = znaleziony klucz found the key
58. found one's car = zakładać czyjś samochód found one's car
59. found a link = znaleziony połączenie found a link
60. found fame = znaleziona sława found fame
61. found a site = znaleziony miejsce found a site
63. found a box = znaleziony pudło found a box
67. found state = znaleziony stan found state
68. found shelter = znalezione schronienie found shelter
70. found peace = znaleziony pokój found peace
71. found a buyer = znaleźć kupca found a buyer
73. found several cases = znaleziony kilka przypadków found several cases
75. found comfort = znaleziona wygoda found comfort
77. found one's hand = zakładać czyjś ręka found one's hand
79. found time = znaleziony czas found time
81. found one's eyes = zakładać czyjś oczy found one's eyes
82. found materials = znalezione materiały found materials
84. found a hole = znaleziony dziura found a hole
85. found one's feet = zakładać czyjś stopy found one's feet
86. found an ally = znaleźć sojusznika found an ally
89. found water = znaleziona woda found water
91. found records = znalezione rekordy found records
92. found solace = znaleziona pociecha found solace
93. found a bag = znaleziony torba found a bag
94. found money = znalezione pieniądze found money
95. found one's wife = zakładać czyjś żona found one's wife
96. found a chair = znaleziony krzesło found a chair
  • Both companies said their market research had found growing interest in better fuel economy.
  • "But we've found a tremendous interest on the part of the general public as well."
  • His working life began as a mechanic but quickly he found interest in other things.
  • The media, too, have found an interest in keeping alive the debate.
  • Those were hardly the actions of a man who had found an interest in someone else.
  • Kane found an interest in dance at an early age.
  • He then turned to a new turboprop design which also found little interest.
  • Yet there was one who still found interest in Warlock's house.
  • But it found little interest in adoption among kinship parents.
  • "Certainly it won't happen overnight, but I have found a great interest in this among other senators."
Verb + found
Kolokacji: 30
help to found • seem to have found • claim to have found • go to found • say to have been founded • leave to found • want to be found • ...
found + Präposition
Kolokacji: 96
founded by • found upon • found out • found up • founded following • ...
found + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 141
originally founded • newly founded • officially founded • found guilty • found alive • found dead • found difficult • initially found • ...

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