"finance" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

finance Verb

finance + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 66
finance programs • finance one's campaign • finance one's operations • finance research • finance one's education • finance expansion • ...
Verb + finance
Kolokacji: 12
help finance • used to finance • help to finance • agree to finance • need to finance • ...
finance + Präposition
Kolokacji: 22
financed by • financed through • finance for • financed from • financed with • ...
finance + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 36
privately financed • largely financed • partly financed • publicly financed • federally financed • ...
1. largely financed = w dużej mierze sfinansować largely financed
2. partly financed = częściowo sfinansować partly financed
3. privately financed = finansowany z funduszy prywatnych privately financed
  • Most private industry here was publicly financed through the government.
  • How would this new, publicly financed system be paid for?
  • The cost is about $65,000 an apartment, 100 percent publicly financed.
  • It may lead to new regulation on the use of publicly financed research.
  • The project, publicly financed, has provided scientists with a list of the more than 30,000 human genes.
  • If Americans want to have services no matter how big or small they'll have to be ready to publicly finance them!
  • The technique raised $130 million for the stadium, which was not publicly financed.
  • At around 10 percent of gross domestic product, they are higher than in any other country with a publicly financed health plan.
  • Because they are publicly financed, the public defenders can try things that some private lawyers cannot or will not do.
  • In the Netherlands at the time, publicly financed education was widely available.
5. federally financed = na szczeblu federalnym sfinansowany federally financed
6. financed entirely = sfinansowany całkowicie financed entirely
7. fully financed = w pełni sfinansować fully financed
8. jointly financed = wspólnie sfinansować jointly financed
10. financed mainly = sfinansowany głównie financed mainly
12. well financed = dobrze sfinansować well financed

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