"field" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

field Substantiv

Substantiv + field
Kolokacji: 311
football field • oil field • soccer field • baseball field • Wrigley Field • practice field • rice field • wheat field • gas field • killing field • ...
field + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 241
field goal • field trip • field hockey • field athlete • Field Marshal • Field Guide • Field Artillery • field commander • field championship • ...
1. field goal = strzał na bramkę (np. w futbolu amerykańskim) field goal
2. field trip = wycieczka szkolna field trip
14. field test = próba terenowa field test
15. Field Museum = Pole Muzeum Field Museum
18. field research = badania w terenie, badania terenowe field research
19. field work = badania w terenie, badania terenowe field work
20. field position = pozycja pola field position
21. field day = dzień sportu field day
22. field gun = działo polowe, armata polowa field gun
25. field army = pole wojsko field army
27. field agent = agent pola field agent
28. field worker = osoba pracująca w polu field worker
29. field line = linia pola magnetycznego field line
30. field strength = natężenie pola field strength
31. field glass = mały teleskop polowy field glass
33. field mouse = mysz polna, mysz zaroślowa field mouse
34. quantum field theory = kwantowa teoria pola quantum field theory
35. field event = konkurencja techniczna (w lekkiej atletyce) field event
36. field goal attempt = próba punktów zdobyte strzałem na bramkę field goal attempt
37. field hockey player = gracz hokeja na trawie field hockey player
38. field hockey team = hokej na trawie zespół field hockey team
40. field experience = doświadczenie praktyczne field experience
43. field goal percentage = punkty zdobyte strzałem na bramkę procent field goal percentage
44. Field Artillery Regiment = Artyleria polowa Pułk Field Artillery Regiment
45. track field team = pole w konkurencjach biegowych zespół track field team
46. track field athlete = sportowiec pola w konkurencjach biegowych track field athlete
47. field hand = robotnik rolny field hand
48. track field event = konkurencja techniczna w konkurencjach biegowych track field event
49. field station = pole stacja field station
50. field note = notatka pola field note
51. Field Center = Ośrodek pola Field Center
52. field fence = ogrodzenie pola field fence
53. field system = system polowy field system
54. field wall = pole ściana field wall
55. field manager = kierownik pola field manager
56. field command = polecenie pola field command
57. field equation = równanie pola field equation
58. field survey = badanie pola field survey
59. field representative = przedstawiciel regionalny field representative
60. field generator = generator pola field generator
61. field crop = uprawa pola field crop
62. Field Regiment = Pole Pułk Field Regiment
63. field k = k pola field k
64. field force = personel terenowy field force
65. field report = raport pola field report
  • You'll receive field reports - you can keep in touch that way.
  • He did not look up from the latest field report that had just arrived.
  • "According to the field report, they found this in the sand near one of the bodies. "
  • His field reports contain the best news he could find.
  • She now recalled reading the field report from the expedition's first day.
  • If he didn't like my field reports, he'd fire them back to me for additions.
  • I can put in everything but the figures of the field reports.
  • Diana had spent the day writing her field report on the Montana case.
  • They appear more numerous than the first field reports suggested.
  • Even as he sank to his knees, the first field report came through.
66. field ration = przydział pola field ration
68. field season = pora roku pola field season
70. field manual = podręcznik pola field manual
71. field testing = testowanie pola field testing
field + Verb
Kolokacji: 109
field includes • field produces • surrounded by fields • field contains • field begins • ...
Verb + field
Kolokacji: 126
play field • include fields • field called • indicate a field • hit to field • field known • move to field • receive in the field • ...
Adjektiv + field
Kolokacji: 338
magnetic field • left field • open field • electric field • athletic field • electromagnetic field • gravitational field • related field • ...
Präposition + field
Kolokacji: 33
through fields • between fields • including fields • by fields • with fields • ...

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