"fact" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

fact Substantiv

Substantiv + fact
Kolokacji: 11
fact of one's existence • fact of life • fact of one's death • material fact • science fact • ...
fact + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 9
fact sheet • fact checker • fact prisoner • Fact Book • fact part • ...
fact + Verb
Kolokacji: 117
fact remains • fact proves • fact speaks • fact suggests • fact indicates • fact seems • fact causes • fact leads • fact shows • ...
Verb + fact
Kolokacji: 119
find facts • overlook the fact • ignore the fact • disguise the fact • highlight the fact • check one's facts • conceal the fact • ...
Adjektiv + fact
Kolokacji: 176
simple fact • historical fact • mere fact • known fact • sad fact • basic fact • actual fact • scientific fact • obvious fact • ...
3. mere fact = suchy fakt mere fact
4. sad fact = smutny fakt sad fact
5. known fact = znany fakt known fact
6. basic fact = podstawowy fakt basic fact
7. actual fact = rzeczywisty fakt actual fact
8. scientific fact = fakt naukowy scientific fact
9. obvious fact = fakt oczywisty obvious fact
10. hard fact = niezaprzeczalny fakt hard fact
12. important fact = ważny fakt important fact
14. new fact = nowy fakt new fact
  • She offered no new facts and treated the case as history.
  • This situation is too old to explain new facts in that town.
  • But for the area's residents, it is a frightening new fact of life.
  • Here was a new fact about nature that could be seen with the naked eye.
  • At least I have new facts to think upon which may help me in the future.
  • See what I mean about learning new facts all the time?
  • I was at a loss as to how to deal with all these new facts.
  • All that science can do is to present reason with new facts.
  • This did not come like a new fact in his life.
  • Look more closely and you'll see that much of it is in fact new.
15. plain fact = jasny fakt plain fact
16. relevant fact = istotny fakt relevant fact
17. true fact = prawdziwy fakt true fact
19. real fact = rzeczywisty fakt real fact
20. bare fact = goły fakt bare fact
21. key fact = kluczowy fakt key fact
22. curious fact = ciekawy fakt curious fact
23. essential fact = podstawowy fakt essential fact
24. medical fact = medyczny fakt medical fact
25. central fact = główny fakt central fact
26. cold fact = goły fakt cold fact
27. established fact = fakt stwierdzony established fact
28. salient fact = fakt klina salient fact
29. undeniable fact = niezaprzeczalny fakt undeniable fact
30. single fact = jeden fakt single fact
31. accomplished fact = fakt dokonany accomplished fact
32. significant fact = znaczący fakt significant fact
33. objective fact = obiektywny fakt objective fact
34. unpleasant fact = przykry fakt unpleasant fact
35. only fact = jedyny fakt only fact
36. fundamental fact = fundamentalny fakt fundamental fact
37. physical fact = naukowy fakt physical fact
38. remarkable fact = niezwykły fakt remarkable fact
39. little-known fact = mało znany fakt little-known fact
40. indisputable fact = fakt bezsporny indisputable fact
41. economic fact = gospodarczy fakt economic fact
42. painful fact = przykry fakt painful fact
43. inescapable fact = nieodparty fakt inescapable fact
44. specific fact = dokładny fakt specific fact
45. crucial fact = decydujący fakt crucial fact
Präposition + fact
Kolokacji: 34
in fact • between fact • in spite of the fact • despite the fact • that fact • ...

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