"explain" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

explain Verb

explain + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 136
explain things • explain matters • explain one's decision • explain one's actions • explain one's behavior • explain one's position • ...
1. explain things = wyjaśnij sprawy explain things
2. explain matters = wyjaśnij sprawy explain matters
9. explain one's absence = wyjaśniać czyjś nieobecność explain one's absence
10. explain one's role = wyjaśniać czyjś rola explain one's role
11. explain one's theory = wyjaśniać czyjś teoria explain one's theory
13. explain one's success = wyjaśniać czyjś sukces explain one's success
14. explain one's reasoning = wyjaśniać czyjś rozumowanie explain one's reasoning
15. explain one's choice = wyjaśniać czyjś wybór explain one's choice
16. attempt to explain = próba wyjaśnienia attempt to explain
18. explain aspects = wyjaśnij aspekty explain aspects
26. way to explain = sposób by wyjaśnić way to explain
27. explain one's feelings = wyjaśniać czyjś uczucia explain one's feelings
29. explain a lot = wyjaśnij dużo explain a lot
31. explain one's failure = wyjaśniać czyjś niepowodzenie explain one's failure
32. explain the nature = wyjaśnij naturę explain the nature
34. explain the fact = wyjaśnij fakt explain the fact
35. explain the process = wyjaśniaj proces explain the process
36. time to explain = czas wyjaśnić time to explain
37. explain part = wyjaśnij część explain part
40. chance to explain = okazja by wyjaśnić chance to explain
41. explain one's point = wyjaśniać czyjś punkt explain one's point
42. explain one's popularity = wyjaśniać czyjś popularność explain one's popularity
  • By studying the boy, they would also be able to explain the relationship between man and society.
  • He still felt his master and dog theory explained the relationship.
  • This is the problem of explaining the relationship between physical and mental states.
  • Could someone explain the relationship between inflation to growth in these figures.
  • It was necessary to create more accurate terms in order to explain the relationship fully.
  • This month George explains the relationship between memory capacity and your patterns.
  • He also explained the relationship between gods and heroes to him.
  • Several studies have done to explain the relationship between neruogenesis and learning.
  • This helps to explain the relationship between the ankle and balance.
  • I've spent so much time trying to explain our relationship to people because it's so different from the culture of this industry.
44. explain one's interest = wyjaśniać czyjś interes explain one's interest
45. explain the rules = wyjaśnij zasady explain the rules
46. explain one's motives = wyjaśniać czyjś motywy explain one's motives
47. explain one's motivation = wyjaśniać czyjś motywacja explain one's motivation
48. explain one's work = wyjaśniać czyjś praca explain one's work
49. explain one's condition = wyjaśniać czyjś warunek explain one's condition
50. explain the way = wyjaśnij drogę explain the way
51. explain one's mission = wyjaśniać czyjś misja explain one's mission
52. explain one's approach = wyjaśniać czyjś podejście explain one's approach
56. explain one's strategy = wyjaśniać czyjś strategia explain one's strategy
57. loss to explain = strata wyjaśnić loss to explain
Verb + explain
Kolokacji: 32
help explain • attempt to explain • try to explain • seek to explain • fail to explain • help to explain • begin to explain • need to explain • ...
explain + Präposition
Kolokacji: 30
explain to • explain by • explain about • explain in • explain during • ...
explain + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 105
fully explain • partly explain • explain patiently • explained away • easily explained • clearly explain • later explain • further explain • ...

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