"exchange" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

exchange Verb

exchange + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 127
exchange glances • exchange words • exchange looks • exchange information • exchange ideas • exchange fire • exchange greetings • ...
exchange + Präposition
Kolokacji: 24
exchanged between • exchange for • exchange with • exchange at • exchange in • ...
exchange + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 20
later exchanged • freely exchanged • merely exchange • simply exchange • regularly exchange • ...
4. hardly exchange = ledwie wymiana hardly exchange
5. gladly exchange = chętnie wymiana gladly exchange
6. formally exchanged = formalnie wymienić formally exchanged
7. happily exchange = radośnie wymiana happily exchange
  • That I'd happily exchange months of my sedentary two-kids-and-a-house life for just a fraction of the time he'd spent following a minor league baseball team, a women's punk rock band and Jewish mystics.
  • I would happily exchange my present abode for a willow cabin.
  • Seated on a couple of chairs, one massive arm draped over the back of a third chair and his booted feet propped up on a fourth, Macumail sipped at a foam-crested mug as he happily exchanged war stories with a pair of Nelanther pirates.
  • A perfume organ allows you to experiment with your perfect eau, and if you don't come up smelling of roses, they'll happily exchange your fragrance.
  • I hope these are to your satisfaction; the bank across the street will happily exchange them, I assure you.
  • Coins with Scrainwood's face on them were quickly and happily exchanged for the new one, and Oriosa's minters were working all hours to meet demand.
  • But I would have happily exchanged some of that impressive retro styling for better lighting and a Wi-Fi signal that actually made it all the way to my room.
  • She was sitting with half a dozen old husbands at a table in some wide avenue on board the Great Ship, and she was listening while the six of them, each from a different species, happily exchanged stories about their little onetime wife.
  • That said, I'd happily exchange all of them (apart from Evan Davies) for Stephanie Flanders, or any of the female presenters on Newsnight for that matter.
  • With a self-consciousness that diminished daily, we oohed and aahed and exchanged happily guilty meditations on our good fortune, and la dolce vita.
8. routinely exchange = rutynowo wymiana routinely exchange
9. automatically exchange = automatycznie wymiana automatically exchange
10. eventually exchanged = ostatecznie wymienić eventually exchanged
11. readily exchanged = chętnie wymienić readily exchanged
(2) merely, simply
Kolokacji: 2
(3) regularly, constantly
Kolokacji: 2
(4) frequently, occasionally
Kolokacji: 2
(5) easily, quickly, rapidly
Kolokacji: 3

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