"enhance" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

enhance Verb

enhance + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 143
enhance performance • enhance security • enhance one's ability • enhance one's reputation • enhance one's image • ...
5. enhance one's image = zwiększać czyjś obraz enhance one's image
8. enhance one's chances = zwiększać czyjś szanse enhance one's chances
9. enhance safety = zwiększ bezpieczeństwo enhance safety
11. enhance one's skills = zwiększać czyjś umiejętności enhance one's skills
  • This is a great opportunity for young students to enhance their skills.
  • "I want to enhance my skills and give children the benefit of the most recent research," she said.
  • That process has begun, as companies and people enhance their skills.
  • Others move right into a specialized career or enhance their skills.
  • Mainly played as support class with various party enhancing skills.
  • You'll learn the software while enhancing your design and creative skills.
  • The program's aim was to enable students to enhance their writing skills.
  • Most of all, by writing poetry and seeking to enhance his skills at it.
  • In addition to the University degree, students are required to undergo international/professional programs which enhance their skills.
  • Many come with descriptions of how they can enhance verbal skills or social development.
13. enhance development = zwiększ rozwój enhance development
17. enhance the effect = wzmacniaj skuteczność enhance the effect
19. enhance efficiency = uwydatnij sprawność enhance efficiency
20. enhance one's status = zwiększać czyjś status enhance one's status
23. enhance one's sense = zwiększać czyjś sens enhance one's sense
25. enhance one's position = zwiększać czyjś pozycja enhance one's position
26. enhance health = zwiększ zdrowie enhance health
27. enhance cooperation = zwiększ współpracę enhance cooperation
28. enhance health decisions = zwiększ decyzje zdrowotne enhance health decisions
31. enhance one's appearance = zwiększać czyjś wygląd enhance one's appearance
32. enhance learning = zwiększ uczenie się enhance learning
34. enhance growth = zwiększ wzrost enhance growth
35. enhance one's standing = zwiększać czyjś pozycja enhance one's standing
37. enhance services = zwiększ usługi enhance services
38. enhance stability = uwydatnij stabilność enhance stability
Verb + enhance
Kolokacji: 7
used to enhance • designed to enhance • help enhance • enhance by providing • intended to enhance • ...
enhance + Präposition
Kolokacji: 22
enhanced by • enhance through • enhanced with • enhance for • enhance in • ...
enhance + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 22
further enhance • greatly enhance • significantly enhance • actually enhance • considerably enhanced • ...

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