"empty" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

empty Adjektiv

empty + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 397
empty space • empty room • empty seat • empty bottle • empty house • empty glass • empty chair • empty stomach • empty street • ...
Verb + empty
Kolokacji: 22
stand empty • sit empty • feel empty • leave empty • look empty • ...
Adverb + empty
Kolokacji: 28
completely empty • virtually empty • largely empty • practically empty • seemingly empty • ...
1. completely empty = całkowicie pusty completely empty
2. largely empty = wyraźnie pusty largely empty
4. seemingly empty = pozornie pusty seemingly empty
5. absolutely empty = całkowicie pusty absolutely empty
6. entirely empty = całkowicie pusty entirely empty
7. totally empty = zupełnie pusty totally empty
8. eerily empty = niesamowicie pusty eerily empty
9. relatively empty = stosunkowo pusty relatively empty
  • "Here you've got the commercial lifeblood of the city and at night it's relatively empty."
  • The bridge that night was relatively empty - only a few hundred people were crossing it.
  • Heavy traffic moved in the street, though the sidewalk where they stood was relatively empty.
  • Thanks to the weather and the time of day, the mall was relatively empty.
  • At this time of night the side lot was relatively empty.
  • He turned her in at the last barn which, she noted, was relatively empty.
  • Although the business section appeared to be filled, the main body of the plane was relatively empty.
  • Jules had enough control over his flight to be able to land in a relatively empty spot.
  • The embassy, the men's only alternative to the street, was relatively empty.
  • The first screen on the left stood relatively empty.
10. utterly empty = całkowicie pusty utterly empty
11. suddenly empty = nagle pusty suddenly empty
13. longer empty = dłuższy pusty longer empty
14. equally empty = tak samo pusty equally empty
15. partly empty = częściowo pusty partly empty
16. surprisingly empty = zadziwiająco pusty surprisingly empty
17. blissfully empty = błogo pusty blissfully empty
18. perfectly empty = zupełnie pusty perfectly empty
19. supposedly empty = ponoć pusty supposedly empty
20. momentarily empty = przez moment pusty momentarily empty
(2) virtually, essentially
Kolokacji: 2
(4) pretty, fairly
Kolokacji: 2
empty + Präposition
Kolokacji: 18
empty for • empty at • empty of • empty in • empty except for • ...

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