"election" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

election Substantiv

Substantiv + election
Kolokacji: 93
November election • runoff election • Assembly election • council election • Senate election • December election • January election • ...
election + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 120
Election Day • election campaign • election year • election result • election law • election official • election cycle • ...
election + Verb
Kolokacji: 80
election results • election comes • election takes • election sees • election goes • election occurs • election gives • election brings • ...
Verb + election
Kolokacji: 180
election scheduled • seek election • organize elections • influence elections • introduce to elections • elect in the election • ...
Adjektiv + election
Kolokacji: 217
general election • presidential election • parliamentary election • federal election • local election • municipal election • ...
8. national election = wybory narodowe national election
10. free election = wolne wybory free election
16. mayoral election = wyścig o fotel burmistrza mayoral election
18. fair election = uczciwe wybory fair election
22. close election = zacięte wybory, wyrównane wybory, wybory z bardzo małą różnicą głosów close election
23. statewide election = w całych Stanach wybory statewide election
24. regional election = regionalne wybory regional election
25. Lebanese election = Libańczyk wybory Lebanese election
26. early election = wczesne wybory early election
28. new election = nowe wybory new election
30. Canadian election = Kanadyjskie wybory Canadian election
31. American election = Amerykańskie wybory American election
32. French election = Francuskie wybory French election
33. popular election = popularne wybory popular election
34. British election = Brytyjskie wybory British election
35. future election = przyszłe wybory future election
37. Palestinian election = Palestyńskie wybory Palestinian election
39. past election = za wyborami past election
40. Israeli election = Izraelskie wybory Israeli election
42. forthcoming election = nadchodzące wybory forthcoming election
43. fresh election = świeże wybory fresh election
44. nationwide election = ogólnokrajowe wybory nationwide election
45. Iraqi election = Irakijczyk wybory Iraqi election
47. open election = otwarte wybory open election
48. German election = Niemieckie wybory German election
49. regular election = normalne wybory regular election
51. partisan election = zwolennik wybory partisan election
55. Russian election = Rosyjskie wybory Russian election
56. Ukrainian election = Ukrainiec wybory Ukrainian election
57. Indian election = Indyjskie wybory Indian election
59. late election = nocne wybory late election
60. Iranian election = Irańskie wybory Iranian election
  • But it could also focus useful pressure on the issue of clean elections.
  • "I never once saw a clean election in this country," a former Cabinet member said.
  • "We need to get started immediately to hold a free, clean election, which has never been done before in Peru."
  • Clean Elections is law in seven states and two municipalities.
  • He won with 48.69% of popular vote, some 17,181,651, and at the time this was considered the cleanest election in the country's history.
  • The prospects this time are for the cleanest election ever.
  • Clean Elections promotes a greater diversity of people running for office and more competition.
  • Rural areas this year also have the greatest potential to make or break the Government's promise to hold clean and fair elections.
  • The new Connecticut law includes a modified form of the idea, known as "clean elections."
  • "We deserve an open, free, fair and clean election," he said.
62. annual election = doroczne wybory annual election
64. Scottish election = Szkockie wybory Scottish election
65. papal election = papieskie wybory papal election
66. Kenyan election = Kenijczyk wybory Kenyan election
68. Philippine election = Filipińskie wybory Philippine election
69. Victorian state election = Wiktoriańskie wybory powszechne Victorian state election
70. far election = daleko wybory far election
71. Italian election = Włoskie wybory Italian election
72. Irish election = Irlandzkie wybory Irish election
73. final election = ostatnie wybory final election
74. controversial election = kontrowersyjne wybory controversial election
75. judicial election = sądowe wybory judicial election
76. off-year election = daleko-rok wybory off-year election
Präposition + election
Kolokacji: 33
through elections • by election • upon one's election • to elections • including elections • ...

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