"dramatic" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

dramatic Adjektiv

dramatic + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 387
dramatic change • dramatic effect • dramatic increase • dramatic moment • dramatic series • dramatic improvement • ...
2. dramatic effect = spektakularny efekt dramatic effect
3. dramatic increase = dramatyczny wzrost dramatic increase
4. dramatic moment = dramatyczny moment dramatic moment
7. dramatic event = dramatyczne wydarzenie dramatic event
8. dramatic impact = zasadniczy wpływ dramatic impact
9. dramatic scene = dramatyczna scena dramatic scene
10. dramatic shift = dramatyczna zmiana dramatic shift
11. dramatic fashion = dramatyczny sposób dramatic fashion
13. dramatic role = teatralna rola dramatic role
15. dramatic gesture = teatralny gest dramatic gesture
16. dramatic film = dramatyczny film dramatic film
17. dramatic victory = dramatyczne zwycięstwo dramatic victory
18. dramatic tension = dramatyczne napięcie dramatic tension
19. dramatic rise = dramatyczny wzrost (np. cen) dramatic rise
20. dramatic works = dramatyczny pracuje dramatic works
22. dramatic story = teatralna historia dramatic story
23. dramatic example = dramatyczny przykład dramatic example
  • Perhaps the most dramatic example is provided by Lawrence (1949) himself.
  • "He is certainly the most dramatic example of the search for answers in the industry today."
  • He is a very dramatic example of the line manager as leader.
  • Perhaps the most dramatic example of this is when people meet for the first time.
  • "That is a dramatic example of how things have changed," he finally said.
  • The position at left provides a dramatic example of this.
  • It was only one dramatic example of the problems faced by the church leaders at the conference, an event held every 10 years.
  • France is a dramatic example of what can be done.
  • "Probably the most dramatic example is 57th Street," he said.
  • By my action, I gave a dramatic example for all to see.
24. dramatic way = dramatyczna droga dramatic way
25. dramatic decline = dramatyczny upadek dramatic decline
26. dramatic turn = dramatyczny zwrot dramatic turn
27. dramatic action = teatralne działanie dramatic action
28. dramatic reduction = dramatyczne obniżenie dramatic reduction
29. dramatic reading = teatralne czytanie dramatic reading
30. dramatic growth = dramatyczny rozwój dramatic growth
32. Dramatic Society = Amatorska grupa teatralna Dramatic Society
33. dramatic drop = dramatyczna kropla dramatic drop
34. dramatic form = dramatyczny formularz dramatic form
35. dramatic production = przedstawienie dramatyczne dramatic production
36. dramatic situation = dramatyczna sytuacja dramatic situation
37. dramatic difference = dramatyczna różnica dramatic difference
38. dramatic monologue = monolog dramatyczny dramatic monologue
39. dramatic view = pełny dramatyzmu widok dramatic view
41. dramatic work = dzieło dramatyczne dramatic work
42. dramatic result = spektakularny rezultat dramatic result
43. dramatic structure = struktura dramatyczna dramatic structure
44. dramatic development = teatralne rozwinięcie dramatic development
46. dramatic step = teatralny krok dramatic step
47. dramatic decrease = dramatyczny spadek dramatic decrease
48. dramatic soprano = sopran dramatyczny dramatic soprano
49. dramatic entrance = teatralne wejście dramatic entrance
50. dramatic move = teatralny ruch dramatic move
51. dramatic style = dramatyczny styl dramatic style
52. dramatic reversal = dramatyczne odwrócenie dramatic reversal
53. dramatic comeback = spektakularny powrót dramatic comeback
54. dramatic scenery = ekscytująca sceneria dramatic scenery
55. dramatic expansion = teatralny rozwój dramatic expansion
56. dramatic play = dramatyczna gra dramatic play
57. dramatic loss = dramatyczna strata dramatic loss
58. dramatic intensity = dramatyczna intensywność dramatic intensity
59. dramatic climax = dramatyczny punkt kulminacyjny dramatic climax
60. dramatic piece = dramatyczny kawałek dramatic piece
62. dramatic contrast = dramatyczny kontrast dramatic contrast
63. dramatic flair = dramatyczny talent dramatic flair
64. dramatic point = pełny dramatyzmu punkt dramatic point
65. dramatic element = dramatyczny element dramatic element
Verb + dramatic
Kolokacji: 3
sound dramatic • look dramatic • make dramatic
Adverb + dramatic
Kolokacji: 18
most dramatic • overly dramatic • highly dramatic • particularly dramatic • equally dramatic • ...
dramatic + Präposition
Kolokacji: 4
dramatic in • dramatic of • dramatic with • dramatic for

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