"distant" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

distant Adjektiv

distant + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 334
distant cousin • distant past • distant future • distant memory • distant mountain • distant sound • distant land • distant star • ...
2. distant past = daleka przeszłość distant past
3. distant future = odległa przyszłość distant future
  • The series is set in the not too distant future.
  • The game takes place some time in the distant future.
  • I hope to see mother and child in the not too far distant future.
  • I think more people would be doing so in the not to distant future.
  • The third line will not be built until the distant future.
  • The game takes place in the distant future during the 21st century.
  • I expect this will not be possible in the near or distant future.
  • The events of the series happen in the not so distant future.
  • In some distant future the software and end result will both be free.
  • But there is no evidence that he wrote for some distant future.
4. distant place = dalekie miejsce distant place
5. distant memory = odległe wspomnienie distant memory
7. distant sound = odległy dźwięk distant sound
9. distant star = daleka gwiazda distant star
12. distant planet = daleka planeta distant planet
14. distant object = daleki przedmiot distant object
15. distant hill = dalekie wzgórze distant hill
17. distant galaxy = daleka galaktyka distant galaxy
18. distant part = daleka część distant part
19. distant city = dalekie miasto distant city
20. distant mile = daleka mila distant mile
21. distant point = daleki punkt distant point
22. distant figure = daleka liczba distant figure
23. distant world = daleki świat distant world
24. distant light = dalekie światło distant light
26. distant corner = daleki kąt distant corner
27. distant view = daleki widok distant view
28. distant relation = odległe pokrewieństwo distant relation
29. distant ancestor = daleki przodek distant ancestor
30. distant location = daleka lokalizacja distant location
31. distant look = dalekie spojrzenie distant look
32. distant country = daleki kraj distant country
33. distant peak = daleki szczyt distant peak
34. distant time = daleki czas distant time
36. distant sea = dalekie morze distant sea
39. distant village = daleka wieś distant village
40. distant region = daleki region distant region
41. distant roar = daleki ryk distant roar
42. distant dream = daleki sen distant dream
43. distant wall = daleka ściana distant wall
44. distant second = daleki drugi distant second
45. distant hope = daleka nadzieja distant hope
46. distant tree = dalekie drzewo distant tree
47. distant area = daleki obszar distant area
48. distant island = daleka wyspa distant island
49. distant target = daleki cel distant target
50. distant town = dalekie miasto distant town
52. distant source = dalekie źródło distant source
Verb + distant
Kolokacji: 5
grow distant • sound distant • feel distant • become distant • seem distant
Adverb + distant
Kolokacji: 21
far distant • most distant • emotionally distant • increasingly distant • somewhat distant • ...
distant + Präposition
Kolokacji: 6
distant from • distant in • distant to • distant of • distant for • ...

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