"diplomatic" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

diplomatic Adjektiv

diplomatic + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 260
diplomatic relation • diplomatic mission • diplomatic effort • diplomatic tie • diplomatic corps • diplomatic immunity • ...
4. diplomatic tie = dyplomatyczny krawat diplomatic tie
10. diplomatic solution = dyplomatyczne rozwiązanie diplomatic solution
11. diplomatic post = placówka dyplomatyczna diplomatic post
13. diplomatic career = kariera w dyplomacji diplomatic career
14. diplomatic channel = kanał dyplomatyczny diplomatic channel
15. diplomatic skill = dyplomatyczna biegłość diplomatic skill
16. diplomatic activity = działalność dyplomatyczna diplomatic activity
17. diplomatic initiative = inicjatywa dyplomatyczna diplomatic initiative
18. diplomatic contact = kontakty dyplomatyczne diplomatic contact
19. diplomatic representative = pełnomocnik dyplomatyczny diplomatic representative
21. diplomatic incident = incydent dyplomatyczny diplomatic incident
24. diplomatic crisis = dyplomatyczny kryzys diplomatic crisis
25. diplomatic support = taktowne wsparcie diplomatic support
26. diplomatic mean = dyplomatyczny oznaczać diplomatic mean
27. diplomatic relationship = dyplomatyczne stosunki diplomatic relationship
28. diplomatic isolation = dyplomatyczna izolacja diplomatic isolation
29. diplomatic status = dyplomatyczny status diplomatic status
30. diplomatic quarter = dyplomatyczna ćwierć diplomatic quarter
31. diplomatic representation = przedstawicielstwo dyplomatyczne diplomatic representation
  • "In international legal terms we have not ended our diplomatic representation."
  • There is no formal British diplomatic or consular representation on the island.
  • He also made some secret diplomatic representations to Northern men of influence.
  • Peru has announced plans to raise the level of its diplomatic representation there, he said.
  • More should therefore be done in the area of joint diplomatic representation.
  • Scotland would have to arrange its own diplomatic representation as do other small countries.
  • The resolution advised member states to withdraw their diplomatic representation from the city.
  • My own country, Scotland, does not currently have independent diplomatic representation anywhere in the world.
  • In the last months, the Union has started to build its own diplomatic representation all over the world.
  • I know that there are financial problems, but we urgently need diplomatic representations in the area.
32. diplomatic community = dyplomatyczna społeczność diplomatic community
34. diplomatic note = nota dyplomatyczna diplomatic note
35. diplomatic circle = koło dyplomatyczne diplomatic circle
36. diplomatic difficulty = dyplomatyczna trudność diplomatic difficulty
37. diplomatic official = taktowny urzędnik diplomatic official
38. diplomatic position = taktowna pozycja diplomatic position
39. diplomatic correspondent = korespondent dyplomatyczny diplomatic correspondent
40. diplomatic exchange = taktowna wymiana diplomatic exchange

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