"design" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

design Verb

design + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 155
design costumes • design products • design buildings • design sets • design cars • design homes • design churches • design gardens • ...
Verb + design
Kolokacji: 23
begin designing • commissioned to design • hired to design • used to design • ask to design • start designing • ...
design + Präposition
Kolokacji: 37
designed by • designed for • designed around • designed with • designed to • ...
design + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 114
specifically designed • originally designed • specially designed • designed primarily • carefully designed • poorly designed • ...
3. specially designed = specjalnie zaprojektowany specially designed
4. designed primarily = zaprojektowany pierwotnie designed primarily
5. carefully designed = ostrożnie zaprojektować carefully designed
6. poorly designed = ubogo zaprojektowany poorly designed
7. newly designed = nowo zaprojektować newly designed
8. initially designed = początkowo zaprojektować initially designed
9. especially designed = szczególnie zaprojektować especially designed
10. well designed = dobrze zaprojektowany well designed
11. beautifully designed = pięknie zaprojektować beautifully designed
12. properly designed = odpowiednio zaprojektować properly designed
  • That wouldn't have been necessary if the system was designed properly.
  • The result is significantly better sound quality, if designed properly.
  • Properly designed, the latter can be a further step in the direction of a European social model.
  • It would work well, with properly designed bullets, on most large African species.
  • I agree that it has the potential to play a role, but only provided any scheme is properly designed.
  • With properly designed training, a decent standard of living is a real possibility.
  • If it fails to achieve that then the decision has not been properly designed.
  • Landfills also have some sort of control over what goes in so the protection can be designed properly.
  • "I have no objection to properly designed new windows," he said.
  • A. I think the campaign was properly designed, strategically operated.
14. later design = później projekt later design
15. designed mainly = zaprojektowany głównie designed mainly
16. clearly designed = najwyraźniej zaprojektować clearly designed
18. designed solely = zaprojektowany wyłącznie designed solely
19. actually designed = faktycznie zaprojektować actually designed
20. expressly designed = kategorycznie zaprojektować expressly designed
21. cleverly designed = inteligentnie zaprojektować cleverly designed
22. badly designed = źle zaprojektowany badly designed
23. generally designed = ogólnie zaprojektować generally designed
24. simply designed = po prostu zaprojektować simply designed

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