"damp" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

damp Adjektiv

damp + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 113
damp air • damp cloth • damp hair • damp earth • damp towel • ...
1. damp air = wilgotne powietrze damp air
2. damp cloth = mokra szmatka damp cloth
3. damp hair = wilgotne włosy damp hair
4. damp earth = wilgotna ziemia damp earth
  • She could feel the cold, damp earth and grass under her feet.
  • He walked along the bank, until it turned from damp earth to sharp, black rock.
  • Almost at once, I came upon a footprint in the damp earth.
  • Yet when Rock looked around, he glimpsed something under a bush in the damp earth.
  • Then she lay down on the damp earth next to Jordan, and compelled herself to sleep.
  • Fallen men, like autumn leaves upon the damp, brown earth.
  • Already, a large number of them had fallen to the damp earth below.
  • The front of her uniform was wet from the damp earth.
  • Cool air rose from below, and she smelled damp earth.
  • The summer day was warm and filled with the smell of damp earth.
5. damp towel = wilgotny ręcznik damp towel
6. damp ground = wilgotna ziemia damp ground
7. damp condition = wilgotny warunek damp condition
8. damp grass = wilgotna trawa damp grass
9. damp soil = wilgotna gleba damp soil
10. damp sand = wilgotny piasek damp sand
11. damp wall = wilgotna ściana damp wall
12. damp weather = wilgotna pogoda damp weather
damp + Präposition
Kolokacji: 4
damp with • damp from • damp in • damp beneath

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