"customer" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

customer Substantiv

Substantiv + customer
Kolokacji: 51
business customer • bank customer • cable customer • telephone customer • target customer • ...
customer + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 82
customer service • customer base • customer satisfaction • customer demand • customer complaint • customer support • ...
2. customer base = baza klientów customer base
6. customer support = obsługa klienta, wsparcie klienta customer support
7. customer service representative = pracownik działu obsługi klienta, przedstawiciel obsługi klienta customer service representative
  • And this is a great way to build customer loyalty.
  • No one ever questioned that customer loyalty was a good thing.
  • Store executives felt this was a small price to pay for customer loyalty.
  • He sees a chance to build customer loyalty in small communities.
  • And cards of any kind build customer loyalty, experts say.
  • Customer loyalty does not fit neatly into any financial model or business plan, but it could help.
  • "The direct model is the strongest in terms of customer loyalty," he said.
  • Also important, they said, are customer loyalty and frequent-flier programs.
  • The company believed trading volume sales got customer loyalty and was good for business.
  • "We create them to improve value to customers, which builds customer loyalty."
10. customer account = konto klienta customer account
11. customer need = potrzeby klientów customer need
12. customer order = zamówienie customer order
13. customer experience = doświadczenie klienta, suma doświadczeń i przeżyć klienta\, jakie wiążą się z daną marką produktu lub firmą customer experience
15. customer data = klient dane customer data
16. Customer Care team = Zespół obsługi klientów Customer Care team
17. customer information = informacje klienta customer information
18. customer feedback = reakcje klienta customer feedback
19. customer care = obsługa klienta, dbałość o klienta customer care
20. customer list = wykaz klientów customer list
customer + Verb
Kolokacji: 178
customer pays • customer buys • customer chooses • customer includes • customer comes • customer wants • customer receives • ...
Verb + customer
Kolokacji: 135
serve customers • attract customers • allow customers • draw customers • provide customers • lose customers • charge customers • ...
Adjektiv + customer
Kolokacji: 156
potential customer • regular customer • corporate customer • residential customer • loyal customer • best customer • large customer • ...
Präposition + customer
Kolokacji: 21
to customers • with customers • for customers • between customers • from customers • ...

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