"constantly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

constantly Adverb

Verb + constantly
Kolokacji: 375
constantly change • constantly move • constantly try • stir constantly • constantly remind • constantly look • constantly work • ...
4. stir constantly = zamieszaj ciągle stir constantly
6. constantly look = ciągle popatrz constantly look
7. constantly work = ciągle praca constantly work
  • He is constantly making fun of the players, their game, and the coach.
  • He realized now what it was that made him move almost constantly.
  • Just one of the many provisions that I constantly make.
  • If the student constantly makes contact during free fight, his mind will become wild.
  • Coming into this business has opened up many doors where I'm constantly making a decision on each project.
  • At the same time, events here constantly make clear the heavy costs of the controls on information and political choice.
  • The kind of life where he constantly made calls to late-night talk radio shows.
  • For her refusal, she was constantly made to feel like a failure.
  • Why, given the extremely high level of unemployment, was the government constantly making public its efforts in the training area?
  • Then came a period of waiting, the commodore was constantly making ready.
12. talk constantly = rozmawiaj ciągle talk constantly
13. constantly shift = ciągle zmiana constantly shift
17. think constantly = pomyśl ciągle think constantly
19. constantly run = ciągle pobiec constantly run
21. constantly get = ciągle dostań constantly get
24. travel constantly = podróżuj ciągle travel constantly
25. constantly complain = ciągle poskarż się constantly complain
26. constantly play = ciągle zagraj constantly play
29. constantly go = ciągle pójdź constantly go
30. constantly worry = ciągle martw się constantly worry
31. constantly grow = ciągle urośnij constantly grow
35. constantly search = ciągle poszukiwania constantly search
37. constantly strive = ciągle dąż constantly strive
38. constantly argue = ciągle posprzeczaj się constantly argue
39. constantly find = ciągle znajdź constantly find
41. constantly give = ciągle daj constantly give
constantly + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 9
constantly aware • constantly busy • constantly present • constantly hungry • constantly vigilant • ...

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