"consider" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

consider Verb

consider + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 386
consider alternatives • consider legislation • consider part • consider factors • consider evidence • consider changes • ...
Verb + consider
Kolokacji: 25
pause to consider • refuse to consider • fail to consider • need to consider • begin to consider • forced to consider • seem to consider • ...
consider + Präposition
Kolokacji: 53
considered among • consider by • considered before • considered within • considered including • ...
consider + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 482
generally considered • widely considered • seriously consider • once considered • carefully consider • consider dangerous • ...
6. consider dangerous = uważaj za niebezpieczny consider dangerous
7. consider safe = uważaj za bezpieczny consider safe
9. consider essential = uważaj za niezbędny consider essential
11. consider unlikely = uważaj za mało prawdopodobny consider unlikely
13. consider acceptable = uważaj za dopuszczalny consider acceptable
14. consider appropriate = uważaj za odpowiedni consider appropriate
15. consider necessary = uważaj za niezbędny consider necessary
17. formerly considered = niegdyś rozważyć formerly considered
18. consider important = uważaj za ważny consider important
20. consider likely = uważaj za prawdopodobny consider likely
21. consider good = uważaj za dobry consider good
22. consider significant = uważaj za znaczny consider significant
26. consider crucial = uważaj za decydujący consider crucial
27. consider normal = uważaj za normalny consider normal
28. consider vulnerable = uważaj za podatny consider vulnerable
29. consider suitable = uważaj za odpowiedni consider suitable
30. consider controversial = uważaj za kontrowersyjny consider controversial
31. consider valid = uważaj za ważny consider valid
32. consider inappropriate = uważaj za niestosowny consider inappropriate
33. later considered = później rozważyć later considered
36. consider vital = uważaj za istotny consider vital
37. consider successful = uważaj za udany consider successful
38. consider obsolete = uważaj za przestarzały consider obsolete
40. consider valuable = uważaj za cenny consider valuable
42. consider reliable = uważaj za niezawodny consider reliable
43. consider desirable = uważaj za pożądany consider desirable
44. consider difficult = uważaj za trudny consider difficult
45. consider superior = uważaj za nadrzędny consider superior
47. consider impossible = uważaj za niemożliwy consider impossible
48. consider risky = uważaj za ryzykowny consider risky
49. consider offensive = zastanów się nad ofensywą consider offensive
50. consider rare = uważaj za rzadki consider rare
51. consider illegal = uważaj za nielegalny consider illegal
52. consider unusual = uważaj za niezwykły consider unusual
53. consider inferior = weź pod uwagę osobę o niższej pozycji consider inferior
54. consider responsible = uważaj za odpowiedzialny consider responsible
55. consider serious = uważaj za poważny consider serious
56. largely considered = w dużej mierze rozważyć largely considered
58. consider high = uważaj za wysoki consider high
59. consider critical = uważaj za kluczowy consider critical
61. consider worthy = uważaj za szlachetny consider worthy
63. consider unacceptable = uważaj za nie do przyjęcia consider unacceptable
65. consider equivalent = rozważ odpowiednik consider equivalent
66. consider small = uważaj za mały consider small
67. consider unsafe = uważaj za niebezpieczny consider unsafe
68. consider unsuitable = uważaj za nieodpowiedni consider unsuitable
69. consider old = uważaj za stary consider old
70. consider low = uważaj za niski consider low
71. consider attractive = uważaj za atrakcyjny consider attractive
72. consider equal = uważaj za jednakowy consider equal
73. consider extinct = uważaj za wymarły consider extinct
74. considered together = rozważony razem considered together
76. consider effective = uważaj za skuteczny consider effective
77. consider useful = uważaj za przydatny consider useful
78. consider harmful = uważaj za szkodliwy consider harmful
79. consider strong = uważaj za silny consider strong
80. consider relevant = uważaj za istotny consider relevant
81. consider expensive = uważaj za drogi consider expensive
  • He had hardly ever considered the matter in such a light.
  • Until recently, cooking was hardly considered a serious career move.
  • It seems to me we have hardly considered the matter enough to be able to say much.
  • They hardly considered themselves as part of the warrior class anymore.
  • The divorce of a candidate running for governor is hardly considered a campaign plus.
  • The idea that those responsible for enforcing the law should be held to a higher standard is hardly even considered.
  • She hasn't put an application in so we can hardly consider her," he said.
  • Whatever the cause, the fact that Kelly had hardly considered the problem of drug use was both logical and absurd.
  • In Washington $50 million is hardly considered a sum worth picking up off the sidewalk.
  • That some of their deeply held beliefs might turn out to be mistakes was a possibility hardly considered.
83. legally considered = prawnie rozważyć legally considered
84. consider possible = uważaj za możliwy consider possible
85. consider beautiful = uważaj za piękny consider beautiful
86. consider synonymous = uważaj za synonimiczny consider synonymous
87. consider undesirable = weź pod uwagę niepożądany element consider undesirable
88. consider distinct = uważaj za wyraźny consider distinct
89. consider reasonable = uważaj za rozsądny consider reasonable
90. consider adequate = uważaj za odpowiedni consider adequate

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