"conservative" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

conservative Adjektiv

conservative + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 355
Conservative party • conservative group • Conservative member • conservative Republican • Conservative politician • ...
10. conservative estimate = ostrożna kalkulacja, ostrożny szacunek conservative estimate
17. conservative wing = konserwatywne skrzydło conservative wing
  • It is concerned with the effects of Conservative policies since 1979.
  • They did, in some cases, support the conservative policies of many politicians.
  • Northern's conservative policies had served it well during the 1920s.
  • He is said to be a chief architect of the country's conservative economic policies.
  • The gap between the rich and the poor in this country seems to be growing due to the conservative financial policies of the current government.
  • Some see the current crisis as an affront to Conservative economic policy.
  • The speech was also intended to draw a line under previous Conservative policy.
  • As a result, they recommended a much more conservative policy about spraying.
  • The club, which had a conservative economic policy, has spent money in recent years in support of its new park and wants to see results.
  • Gone is the realism that was once the hallmark of conservative foreign policy.
28. conservative agenda = konserwatywny program conservative agenda
29. conservative force = moc zachowawcza, siła zachowawcza conservative force
34. conservative base = konserwatywna podstawa conservative base
36. Conservative Judaism = Konserwatywny judaizm Conservative Judaism
41. Conservative seat = Konserwatywne miejsce Conservative seat
43. conservative columnist = konserwatywny felietonista conservative columnist
47. conservative suit = klasyczny garnitur conservative suit
54. conservative judge = konserwatywny sędzia conservative judge
56. conservative society = konserwatywne społeczeństwo conservative society
58. conservative stance = konserwatywne stanowisko conservative stance
59. conservative area = konserwatywny obszar conservative area
60. conservative talk host = konserwatywne mówienie gospodarz conservative talk host
62. conservative credential = konserwatywne uwierzytelnienie conservative credential
63. conservative philosophy = konserwatywna filozofia conservative philosophy
65. conservative district = konserwatywny region conservative district
67. conservative voice = konserwatywny głos conservative voice
69. conservative ideology = konserwatywna ideologia conservative ideology
71. conservative justice = konserwatywna sprawiedliwość conservative justice
72. conservative figure = konserwatywna liczba conservative figure
73. conservative style = klasyczny styl conservative style
74. conservative idea = konserwatywny pomysł conservative idea
76. conservative ally = konserwatywny sojusznik conservative ally
79. conservative investor = konserwatywny inwestor conservative investor
80. conservative family = konserwatywna rodzina conservative family
84. conservative writer = konserwatywny pisarz conservative writer
Verb + conservative
Kolokacji: 3
become conservative • consider conservative • grow conservative
Adverb + conservative
Kolokacji: 44
most conservative • socially conservative • fiscally conservative • politically conservative • deeply conservative • ...
conservative + Präposition
Kolokacji: 7
conservative in • conservative on • conservative of • conservative with • conservative for • ...

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