"consecutive" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

consecutive Adjektiv

consecutive + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 150
consecutive year • consecutive game • consecutive season • consecutive victory • consecutive title • consecutive day • ...
3. consecutive season = kolejna pora roku consecutive season
4. consecutive victory = kolejne zwycięstwo consecutive victory
5. consecutive title = kolejny tytuł consecutive title
6. consecutive day = kolejny dzień consecutive day
7. consecutive week = kolejny tydzień consecutive week
8. consecutive term = kolejny termin consecutive term
10. consecutive loss = kolejna strata consecutive loss
11. consecutive month = kolejny miesiąc consecutive month
13. consecutive win = kolejne zwycięstwo consecutive win
15. consecutive quarter = kolejna ćwierć consecutive quarter
16. consecutive match = kolejna zapałka consecutive match
17. consecutive point = kolejny punkt consecutive point
18. consecutive start = kolejny początek consecutive start
19. consecutive time = kolejny czas consecutive time
22. consecutive single = kolejny bilet w jedną stronę consecutive single
24. consecutive defeat = kolejna porażka consecutive defeat
26. consecutive race = kolejna rasa consecutive race
27. consecutive gold medal = kolejny złoty medal consecutive gold medal
28. consecutive album = kolejny album consecutive album
29. consecutive hit = kolejny przebój consecutive hit
31. consecutive shot = kolejny strzał consecutive shot
34. consecutive hour = kolejna godzina consecutive hour
35. consecutive final = kolejny finał consecutive final
36. consecutive finish = kolejny koniec consecutive finish
  • They have won six consecutive series and are 10 games over .500 (41-31) for the first time this season.
  • The Mets have lost six of their past seven games and three consecutive series.
  • In 2011, the Maroons had their 6th consecutive series win becoming the only team to ever do so.
  • The last time they were swept in two consecutive three-game series was 1996.
  • He went on to play in game two, which Queensland won, making history as the first side to win four consecutive series.
  • The Mets still came away having won two of three games for the third consecutive series.
  • The Cubs have won consecutive series for the first time this season.
  • Previously, no pupils had ever stayed in the show longer than seven consecutive series.
  • Last season, Baltimore did not win more than four consecutive series.
  • Seattle has won seven consecutive series for the first time in franchise history.
38. consecutive shutout = kolejne miażdżące zwycięstwo consecutive shutout
40. consecutive pass = kolejna przepustka consecutive pass
42. consecutive Olympics = kolejne igrzyska olimpijskie consecutive Olympics
43. consecutive trip = kolejna podróż consecutive trip
44. consecutive birdie = kolejny ptaszek consecutive birdie

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