"coast" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

coast Substantiv

Substantiv + coast
Kolokacji: 111
West Coast • East Coast • Pacific coast • Gulf Coast • Atlantic coast • Ivory Coast • north coast • Gold Coast • California coast • ...
coast + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 71
Coast Guard • coast road • West Coast Main Line • Coast Province • coast line • Atlantic Coast Conference • Pacific Coast League • ...
coast + Verb
Kolokacji: 4
coast facing • coast stretching • coast looks • Coast ranges
Verb + coast
Kolokacji: 54
operate along the coast • find in Ivory Coast • reach the coast • explore the coast • make to the coast • ...
Adjektiv + coast
Kolokacji: 123
southern coast • western coast • northern coast • eastern coast • Mediterranean coast • African coast • central coast • French coast • ...
1. southern coast = południowe wybrzeże southern coast
2. western coast = zachodnie wybrzeże western coast
3. northern coast = północne wybrzeże northern coast
4. eastern coast = wschodnie wybrzeże eastern coast
5. African coast = Afrykańskie wybrzeże African coast
6. Mediterranean coast = wybrzeże Morza Śródziemnego Mediterranean coast
8. French coast = Francuskie wybrzeże French coast
9. entire coast = całe wybrzeże entire coast
10. southeastern coast = southeastern wybrzeże southeastern coast
11. Caribbean coast = Wybrzeże karaibskie Caribbean coast
12. American coast = Amerykańskie wybrzeże American coast
13. rocky coast = brzeg morski skalisty rocky coast
  • The first picture showed me a harbor on a rocky coast.
  • Their only need for land is to breed, which they do along rocky coasts.
  • As for the cooking, his inspiration may be more from Italy than this rocky coast.
  • Closer the rocky coast came until pine trees like those they had left at home were clearly visible.
  • Immediately on the Cape is a steep rocky coast into the sea.
  • Do they head for the ocean and seek out trails along the rocky coast?
  • To me the most interesting is its wild rocky coast, the Celtic culture and the local.
  • This was a very dangerous enterprise on a rocky coast.
  • A wild rocky coast, a dark cloudy night with a rising wind.
  • Its purpose is also to guide ships away from the rocky coasts of the town.
14. northeastern coast = północno-wschodnie wybrzeże northeastern coast
15. Baltic coast = wybrzeże bałtyckie Baltic coast
16. English coast = Angielskie wybrzeże English coast
17. Norwegian coast = Norweskie wybrzeże Norwegian coast
18. southwestern coast = southwestern wybrzeże southwestern coast
19. northwestern coast = północno-zachodnie wybrzeże northwestern coast
20. Australian coast = Australijskie wybrzeże Australian coast
21. Irish coast = Irlandzkie wybrzeże Irish coast
22. Spanish coast = Hiszpańskie wybrzeże Spanish coast
23. Italian coast = Włoskie wybrzeże Italian coast
24. Dutch coast = Holenderskie wybrzeże Dutch coast
25. Mexican coast = Meksykańskie wybrzeże Mexican coast
26. opposite coast = naprzeciw wybrzeża opposite coast
27. Chinese coast = Chińskie wybrzeże Chinese coast
28. Korean coast = Koreańskie wybrzeże Korean coast
Präposition + coast
Kolokacji: 22
off the coast • along the coast • down the coast • near the coast • up the coast • ...

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