"clean" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

clean Verb

clean + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 64
clean up one's act • clean one's room • clean one's teeth • clean the house • clean toilets • ...
Verb + clean
Kolokacji: 10
finish cleaning • begin cleaning • start cleaning • use to clean • spend cleaning • ...
clean + Präposition
Kolokacji: 26
clean up • clean out • clean off • clean with • clean for • ...
(1) up, out, off, with, for, ...
Kolokacji: 13
1. clean after = wyczyść potem clean after
2. clean by = czyścić przez clean by
3. clean before = wyczyść wcześniej clean before
4. clean between = wyczyść pośrodku clean between
  • The round shape makes it easier to clean out (a task that requires personnel to physically climb into the vessels) between brewing cycles.
  • His case was open on the floor beside the bed, and I saw no indication that he thought of cleaning his instruments between usages.
  • But as anyone knows who has tried to brush out a wedged-in bit of food, the brush is not adequate for cleaning between teeth.
  • Doctors began to use chemicals to cleanse wounds and clean their tools between each patient.
  • Martha sipped from the water she held in her hands and asked, "Is it all right if I clean between my toes, Officer?
  • It didn't matter if the rooms were made up and reasonably cleaned between renters.
  • To clean between deck boards, use a putty knife or an old handsaw.
  • Amaddi took out a matchbook, opened the cover, and cleaned between his side teeth.
  • If sharing a toy, make sure you clean it between each use in warm soapy water, or use a condom as protection.
  • This is because they cannot clean between their quills.
5. clean under = wyczyść poniżej clean under
6. clean up for = sprzątać dla clean up for
7. cleaned during = wyczyszczony podczas cleaned during
8. clean around = wyczyść wokół clean around
9. clean up with = sprzątać z clean up with
10. clean up at = sprzątać przy clean up at
11. clean without = wyczyść na zewnątrz clean without
12. clean up from = sprzątać z clean up from
13. clean into = czyścić do clean into
clean + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 21
thoroughly cleaned • properly cleaned • carefully cleaned • cleaned regularly • newly cleaned • ...

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