"cite" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

cite Verb

cite + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 189
cite examples • cite concerns • cite sources • cite evidence • cite reasons • cite reports • cite differences • cite problems • text to cite • ...
2. cite examples = przytaczać przykłady (np. na poparcie swojej tezy) cite examples
  • The answer was yes, but she couldn't cite a specific example.
  • He cited the example of a lawyer with two young children who applied for a job.
  • I hardly need to cite examples here, for several are available in the news each day.
  • She cited an example of two couples who owned a company.
  • It says that progress has been made over the last 18 months and cites examples.
  • To cite a well-known example, think of it in college football terms.
  • But can anyone cite an example in which that kind of a process has produced really great architecture?
  • He also cites the example of a single person making $62,970 a year, the average wage in Manhattan.
  • He cited an example from not so long ago.
  • She cited an example of a couple who were having a house built in Yorktown.
4. cite sources = zacytuj źródła cite sources
5. cite evidence = zacytuj dowody cite evidence
6. cite differences = przytocz różnice cite differences
7. cite reports = zacytuj raporty cite reports
8. cite problems = zacytuj problemy cite problems
9. text to cite = tekst cytować text to cite
10. cite one's work = cytować czyjś praca cite one's work
11. cite figures = zacytuj liczby cite figures
13. cite one's decision = cytować czyjś decyzja cite one's decision
14. cite issues = zacytuj wydania cite issues
16. cite statistics = zacytuj statystykę cite statistics
17. cite research = zacytuj badania cite research
18. cite instances = przytocz przypadki cite instances
19. cite one's experience = cytować czyjś doświadczenie cite one's experience
20. cite factors = przytocz czynniki cite factors
22. cite the need = zacytuj potrzebę cite the need
25. cite fears = przytocz strachy cite fears
26. cite a number = zacytuj liczbę cite a number
27. cite the case = zacytuj przypadek cite the case
28. cite the fact = przytocz fakt cite the fact
29. cite one's failure = cytować czyjś niepowodzenie cite one's failure
31. cite passages = zacytuj przejścia cite passages
32. cite incidents = zacytuj incydenty cite incidents
33. cite losses = zacytuj straty cite losses
34. cite health = zacytuj zdrowie cite health
37. cite testimony = zacytuj zeznanie cite testimony
38. cite data = zacytuj dane cite data
39. cite pressure = zacytuj ciśnienie cite pressure
40. cite threats = zacytuj groźby cite threats
42. cite one's support = cytować czyjś wsparcie cite one's support
43. cite a law = przytocz prawo cite a law
44. cite one's record = cytować czyjś zapis cite one's record
45. cite demand = zacytuj żądanie cite demand
46. cite polls = zacytuj ankiety cite polls
48. cite one's policy = cytować czyjś polityka cite one's policy
49. cite one's right = cytować czyjś prawo cite one's right
50. cite conditions = zacytuj warunki cite conditions
51. cite sales = zacytuj sprzedaże cite sales
52. cite rules = przytocz zasady cite rules
Verb + cite
Kolokacji: 3
resign citing • file citing • begin citing
cite + Präposition
Kolokacji: 28
cite by • cite in • cite for • cite among • cite during • ...
cite + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 42
frequently cited • widely cited • properly cite • commonly cited • most cited • specifically cite • ...

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