"circle" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

circle Substantiv

Substantiv + circle
Kolokacji: 81
Columbus Circle • Arctic Circle • stone circle • traffic circle • family circle • half circle • Dupont Circle • circle of friends • ...
circle + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 16
Circle Line • Circle Award • circle dance • Circle Jerk • Circle k • ...
circle + Verb
Kolokacji: 43
circle includes • circle represents • circle forms • circle appears • circle closes • ...
Verb + circle
Kolokacji: 43
know in circles • turn circle • form a circle • draw a circle • run in circles • swing in a circle • move in circles • ...
Adjektiv + circle
Kolokacji: 221
inner circle • full circle • small circle • wide circle • social circle • concentric circle • vicious circle • dark circle • large circle • ...
4. wide circle = szerokie koło wide circle
5. social circle = społeczne koło social circle
6. concentric circle = koncentryczne koło concentric circle
8. vicious circle = błędny krąg, błędne koło vicious circle
9. large circle = kolisko large circle
10. literary circle = literackie koło literary circle
11. tight circle = ciasne koło tight circle
12. academic circle = koło naukowe academic circle
13. slow circle = wolne koło slow circle
14. red circle = czerwone koło red circle
15. political circle = polityczne koło political circle
16. little circle = mało koła little circle
17. great circle = koło wielkie great circle
18. left circle = lewe koło left circle
20. perfect circle = doskonałe koło perfect circle
21. right circle = prawe koło right circle
22. complete circle = kompletne koło complete circle
23. white circle = białe koło white circle
24. intellectual circle = intelektualne koło intellectual circle
25. certain circle = pewne koło certain circle
  • At age six, it has become required reading in certain circles.
  • She knew such things went on, were commonplace even in certain circles.
  • Here on this side of the Atlantic, certain circles are watching closely.
  • Of course, that only makes it more desirable in certain circles.
  • All the elders were known in a certain circle of people.
  • "The Chosen have a lot of influence in certain circles there," he said.
  • The upward trend is not lost on women in certain circles.
  • His firm was known in certain circles as the best at taking the money and disappearing into the shadows.
  • I cannot understand why so little responsibility is shown for the health of children and adults in certain European circles.
  • The machine was known in certain circles as Jobs' baby.
26. big circle = duże koło big circle
27. magic circle = grono wtajemniczonych magic circle
28. outer circle = zewnętrzny krąg outer circle
29. artistic circle = artystyczne koło artistic circle
30. high circle = wysokie koło high circle
31. legal circle = krąg prawniczy legal circle
32. on-deck circle = pole zmienników on-deck circle
33. rough circle = szorstkie koło rough circle
34. blue circle = niebieskie koło blue circle
35. tiny circle = maleńkie koło tiny circle
36. scientific circle = naukowe koło scientific circle
38. military circle = militarne koło military circle
39. close circle = bliskie koło close circle
40. financial circle = koło finansowe financial circle
41. immediate circle = najbliższe koło immediate circle
42. green circle = zielone koło green circle
43. closed circle = zamknięte koło closed circle
44. diplomatic circle = koło dyplomatyczne diplomatic circle
45. lazy circle = leniwe koło lazy circle
46. huge circle = olbrzymie koło huge circle
Präposition + circle
Kolokacji: 21
in circles • among circles • at Columbus Circle • outside the circle • inside the circle • ...

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