"choose" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

choose Verb

choose + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 178
choose sides • choose songs • choose electors • choose colors • choose life • choose body font • choose Dartmoor • ...
1. choose sides = opowiadać się po czyjejś stronie, wybierać stronę (w konflikcie) choose sides
2. choose songs = wybierz piosenki choose songs
4. choose colors = wybierz kolory choose colors
6. choose body font = wybierz czcionkę do ciała choose body font
7. choose Dartmoor = wybierz Dartmoor choose Dartmoor
8. choose one's words = wybierać czyjś słowa choose one's words
9. choose airline = wybierz linię lotniczą choose airline
10. Eating to choose = Jedząc wybrać Eating to choose
13. choose death = wybierz śmierć choose death
14. choose people = wybierz ludzi choose people
15. choose foods = wybierz jedzenia choose foods
16. choose abortion = wybierz przerwanie ciąży choose abortion
  • It may one day say the same of the right to choose abortion.
  • She also said many parents chose abortion in these cases.
  • Once again a woman's right to choose abortion is under direct attack in Congress.
  • The woman who chooses abortion will often find a crowd waiting for her.
  • Under this law, the girl can choose abortion or keep the baby and the tribe has no say.
  • The new President favors a woman's right to choose abortion.
  • I'll still defend the right to choose abortion in these cases, even if it isn't the choice I'd make for myself.
  • We reported a 30 percent average increase in breast cancer risk among women who had chosen abortion.
  • But he said his support for the right to choose abortion was "the deciding issue" in the campaign.
  • Moreover, both women are advocates of the right to choose abortion.
19. choose players = wybierz graczy choose players
20. right to choose = prawy wybrać right to choose
21. choose products = wybierz produkty choose products
26. choose a spot = wybierz miejsce choose a spot
27. choose one's doctors = wybierać czyjś lekarze choose one's doctors
29. choose one's friends = wybierać czyjś przyjaciele choose one's friends
30. choose music = wybierz muzykę choose music
39. choose a man = wybierz człowieka choose a man
44. choose Web pages = wybierz strony internetowe choose Web pages
46. choose a region = wybierz region choose a region
50. choose a minister = wybierz ministra choose a minister
51. freedom to choose = wolność do wybrania freedom to choose
52. choose roles = wybierz role choose roles
53. choose delegates = wybierz delegatów choose delegates
54. choose a country = wybierz kraj choose a country
55. choose a woman = wybierz kobietę choose a woman
56. choose one's victims = wybierać czyjś ofiary choose one's victims
Verb + choose
Kolokacji: 19
forced to choose • allow to choose • ask to choose • want to choose • get to choose • ...
choose + Präposition
Kolokacji: 43
choose between • choose among • choose from • chosen by • chosen for • ...
choose + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 101
carefully chosen • randomly chosen • deliberately choose • choose wisely • simply choose • eventually choose • finally choose • ...

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