"center" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

center Substantiv

Substantiv + center
Kolokacji: 732
shopping center • Lincoln Center • research center • community center • arts center • training center • visitor center • trade center • ...
center + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 112
center stage • center fielder • center aisle • center field • center line • center section • center court • Center Street • center position • ...
center + Verb
Kolokacji: 157
center offers • center opens • center serves • center provides • center contains • center includes • Center conducts • center holds • ...
Verb + center
Kolokacji: 130
play center • explore one's FDA Center • contact one's poison center • die at New Center • take to the center • ...
2. explore one's FDA Center = badać czyjś Centrum FDA explore one's FDA Center
6. center known = centrum znany center known
7. center surrounded = ośrodek okrążył center surrounded
10. hit the World Center = uderz w Ośrodek światowy hit the World Center
12. center is located = centrum znajduje się center is located
13. destroy the World Center = wyniszcz Ośrodek światowy destroy the World Center
15. occupy the center = zajmij centrum occupy the center
16. center dedicated = ośrodek poświęcił center dedicated
19. center based = ośrodek oparł center based
22. serve the World Center = obsłuż Ośrodek światowy serve the World Center
  • Mr. Mowatt, 21, worked at Forte Food Service, which served the World Trade Center, and he had been thinking about going to college.
  • For now, there is nowhere else at ground zero where time is more palpably suspended than in the tubes and tunnels and truck bays that once served the World Trade Center and, before that, the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad, predecessor to PATH.
  • What purpose did the slurry wall serve the World Trade Center, and what is its significance now?
23. attack the World Center = napadnij na Ośrodek światowy attack the World Center
25. center is named = centrum jest nazwane center is named
26. visit the center = złóż wizytę ośrodkowi visit the center
27. work in the World Center = praca na świecie Centrum work in the World Center
28. convert into a center = neofita do centrum convert into a center
29. contain a center = zawieraj centrum contain a center
31. reach the center = dotrzyj do ośrodka reach the center
32. form the center = załóż ośrodek form the center
33. play at centre = gra przy centrum play at centre
35. give a center = daj centrum give a center
38. center is used = centrum jest używane center is used
39. center is moved = ośrodek jest przeniesiony center is moved
40. center is housed = ośrodek jest zapewniony mieszkanie center is housed
42. leave the center = zostaw ośrodek leave the center
44. make the center = marki centrum make the center
45. center is designed = centrum jest przeznaczone center is designed
46. treat at Jacobi Center = potraktuj przy Jacobi Center treat at Jacobi Center
47. consist of the centres = składaj się z centrów consist of the centres
48. center is closed = centrum jest zamknięte center is closed
Adjektiv + center
Kolokacji: 324
administrative center • cultural center • medical center • urban center • regional center • national center • senior center • retail center • ...
Präposition + center
Kolokacji: 36
on the World Center • close to the center • far from the center • off center • under center • ...

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