"carefully" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

carefully Adverb

Verb + carefully
Kolokacji: 422
listen carefully • look carefully • carefully chosen • carefully consider • carefully planned • watch carefully • carefully measure • ...
5. carefully planned = ostrożnie zaplanować carefully planned
6. watch carefully = obserwować uważnie, uważnie się przyglądać watch carefully
17. step carefully = krok ostrożnie step carefully
18. carefully designed = ostrożnie zaprojektować carefully designed
22. walk carefully = chodź ostrożnie walk carefully
23. tread carefully = postępować ostrożnie tread carefully
24. move carefully = rusz się ostrożnie move carefully
25. carefully read = ostrożnie przeczytaj carefully read
27. carefully keep = ostrożnie trzymaj carefully keep
28. say carefully = powiedz ostrożnie say carefully
29. go carefully = pójdź ostrożnie go carefully
31. carefully laid = ostrożnie położyć carefully laid
34. carefully made = ostrożnie zrobić carefully made
35. speak carefully = mów ostrożnie speak carefully
38. carefully tend = ostrożnie skłaniaj się carefully tend
  • These added a long list of social relations that she and her family carefully tended.
  • The palace has been carefully tended throughout the 20th century.
  • The carefully tended grass was a dark but lush green.
  • I didn't look at her, tending carefully to the drying.
  • Watching everyone mill around on the carefully tended lawn, I suddenly wanted to go home.
  • He waved at the fountain and the carefully tended trees.
  • Well, not quite: nothing can match a carefully tended garden in the tropical sun.
  • "Relationships with doctors are fragile and need to be carefully tended," he added.
  • Some have been carefully tended over the years; others show the devastating effects of time and circumstance.
  • She led the way through the hall and into a good-sized room giving on to a carefully tended garden.
40. carefully put = ostrożnie połóż carefully put
46. carefully set = ostrożnie umieść carefully set
48. carefully drawn = ostrożnie narysowany carefully drawn
49. drive carefully = prowadź ostrożnie drive carefully
53. carefully lift = ostrożnie podnieś się carefully lift
56. carefully use = ostrożnie użyj carefully use
62. carefully note = ostrożnie notatka carefully note
63. carefully researched = ostrożnie zebrać informacje carefully researched
68. carefully turn = ostrożnie obróć się carefully turn
69. carefully timed = ostrożnie ustalić termin carefully timed
73. search carefully = poszukiwania ostrożnie search carefully
74. carefully cut = ostrożnie potnij carefully cut
80. carefully plotted = o misternie skonstruowanej intrydze carefully plotted
81. proceed carefully = kontynuuj ostrożnie proceed carefully
84. carefully pull = ostrożnie pociągnij carefully pull
85. carefully choreographed = ostrożnie opracować choreografię carefully choreographed
87. begin carefully = zacznij ostrożnie begin carefully
89. climb carefully = wespnij się ostrożnie climb carefully
90. ask carefully = zapytaj ostrożnie ask carefully
91. carefully pour = ostrożnie wlej carefully pour
92. carefully wipe = ostrożnie wytarcie carefully wipe
93. carefully built = ostrożnie zbudować carefully built
95. carefully dressed = ostrożnie ubrać się carefully dressed
96. carefully hold = ostrożnie trzymaj carefully hold
carefully + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 19
carefully prepared • carefully neutral • carefully blank • carefully thought-out • carefully balanced • ...

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