"bush" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

bush Substantiv

Substantiv + bush
Kolokacji: 63
President Bush • Mr. Bush • George Bush • Governor Bush • Barbara Bush • Laura Bush • Mrs. Bush • Kate Bush • Gov. George W. Bush • ...
bush + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 59
Bush administration • Bush campaign • Bush team • Bush aide • Bush presidency • Bush plan • Bush family • Bush supporter • ...
bush + Verb
Kolokacji: 132
President Bush vetoes • President Bush signs • President Bush declares • President Bush announces • Mr. Bush proposes • ...
(1) veto, rustle
Kolokacji: 2
(5) visit, tour
Kolokacji: 2
(6) send, win, grow, make, go, ...
Kolokacji: 19
3. bush grows = krzak rośnie bush grows
5. Mr. Bush goes = Mr. Bush idzie Mr. Bush goes
6. Mr. Bush comes = Mr. Bush przychodzi Mr. Bush comes
7. President Bush orders = Prezydent Bush polecenia President Bush orders
8. Mr. Bush gets = Mr. Bush dostaje Mr. Bush gets
9. Mr. Bush leads = Mr. Bush prowadzi Mr. Bush leads
10. Mr. Bush runs = Mr. Bush biegnie Mr. Bush runs
11. Mr. Bush expresses = Mr. Bush ekspresy Mr. Bush expresses
12. Mr. Bush puts = Mr. Bush kładzie Mr. Bush puts
15. Mr. Bush fails = Mr. Bush oceny niedostateczne Mr. Bush fails
16. Mr. Bush reverses = Mr. Bush odwraca Mr. Bush reverses
17. Mr. Bush builds = Mr. Bush budowy ciała Mr. Bush builds
18. Mr. Bush beats = Mr. Bush bije Mr. Bush beats
  • Mr. Bush beat him to that.
  • On Saturday, Mr. Bush was beating Mr. Reagan at last.
  • That accounted for 97,488 votes, and Mr. Bush beat Mr. Gore there by 537.
  • Mr. Bush beat Michael S. Dukakis by only 95,000 votes in 1988, and since then things have got worse for the President.
  • He dismisses last Tuesday's primaries in Arkansas and Idaho in which Mr. Bush beat him, again, better than five to one.
  • Mr. Bush beat Mr. Dukakis among white voters in every region of the country.
  • Seemingly out of the race, Mr. Bush beat Ronald Reagan here and then in Pennsylvania.
  • At the age of 40, Mr. Bush beat a drinking problem by surrendering to a powerful religious experience, reinforced by Bible study with friends.
  • Mr. Bush beat Mr. McCain handily among younger voters and women.
  • And what they ultimately decide will be key here, a state where Mr. Bush beat Al Gore by a slim 165,000 votes in 2000.
19. Mr. Bush presides = Mr. Bush przewodniczy Mr. Bush presides
(7) promise, vow, pledge, assure
Kolokacji: 4
(16) spend, pay, pick
Kolokacji: 3
(18) issue, emerge
Kolokacji: 2
Verb + bush
Kolokacji: 30
criticize Mr. Bush • accuse Mr. Bush • support Mr. Bush • tell Mr. Bush • beat the bushes • ...
Adjektiv + bush
Kolokacji: 32
thick bush • low bush • thorny bush • small bush • nearby bush • ...
Präposition + bush
Kolokacji: 22
under President Bush • including President Bush • by President Bush • with President Bush • to President Bush • ...

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