"build" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

build Verb

build + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 414
build confidence • build momentum • build strength • build support • build ships • build relationships • build roads • build capacity • ...
Verb + build
Kolokacji: 92
help build • begin building • start building • propose building • believed to have been built • say to have been built • enable to build • ...
build + Präposition
Kolokacji: 91
build up • built around • built upon • build out • built atop • ...
build + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 153
originally built • newly built • specially built • powerfully built • solidly built • built nearby • built entirely • slightly built • slowly build • ...
2. newly built = nowo zbudować newly built
3. built entirely = zbudowany całkowicie built entirely
4. specially built = specjalnie zbudowany specially built
6. solidly built = dobrze zbudowany solidly built
7. built nearby = zbudowany blisko built nearby
9. slightly built = delikatnie zbudowany slightly built
11. actually built = faktycznie zbudować actually built
14. built primarily = zbudowany pierwotnie built primarily
15. built mainly = zbudowany głównie built mainly
16. largely built = w dużej mierze zbudować largely built
17. initially built = początkowo zbudować initially built
18. well built = dobrze zbudować well built
20. built later = zbudowany później built later
21. heavily built = zwalisty heavily built
23. built directly = zbudowany bezpośrednio built directly
25. partly built = częściowo zbudować partly built
26. built right = prawo zabudowy built right
27. once built = kiedyś zbudować once built
28. partially built = częściowo zbudować partially built
29. built further = zbudowany dalej built further
  • A new church had to be built further away from the coast.
  • As the town grew, homes were built further up the hill.
  • It provides a basis on which he can build and go further.
  • Housing and retail has been built along the road further to the east.
  • The roar of the crowd began to build even further.
  • In 1942, several sidings were built further to the south of the station to provide access to a cold store.
  • He spent five years as a soldier for hire, further building his combat and survival skills.
  • "We hope to build further from this place that we have established in the region," he said.
  • And then people who wanted to use the old house as a guest cottage and build further up on the lot.
  • A separate home for the Stickley family was originally planned to be built further up the hill.
32. lightly built = lekko zbudować lightly built
34. finally built = w końcu zbudować finally built
35. built sometime = zbudowany kiedyś built sometime
36. built shortly = zbudowany wkrótce built shortly
37. sturdily built = mocno zbudowany sturdily built
38. simply build = po prostu zbuduj simply build
39. locally built = w okolicy zbudować locally built
42. hastily built = pośpiesznie zbudować hastily built
43. generally built = ogólnie zbudować generally built
45. privately built = prywatnie zbudować privately built
46. carefully built = ostrożnie zbudować carefully built
47. completely built = całkowicie zbudować completely built
48. build high = budować wysoki build high

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