"build" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

build Verb

build + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 414
build confidence • build momentum • build strength • build support • build ships • build relationships • build roads • build capacity • ...
2. build support = stwórz poparcie build support
4. build momentum = zbuduj rozmach build momentum
12. build housing = budowa ciała mieszkaniowy build housing
16. build weapons = skonstruuj broń build weapons
17. build projects = budź projekty build projects
21. build things = zbuduj rzeczy build things
22. build aircraft = zmontuj samolot build aircraft
23. build settlements = budź porozumienia build settlements
24. build trust = budować zaufanie build trust
25. build character = ukształtuj charakter build character
28. build ones = budowa ciała build ones
29. build offices = zbuduj biura build offices
30. build fortifications = wznieś fortyfikacje build fortifications
31. build alliances = zbuduj przymierza build alliances
32. build up one's forces = gromadzić się czyjś siły build up one's forces
33. build applications = stwórz stosowanie build applications
34. build institutions = stwórz instytucje build institutions
37. build part = zbuduj część build part
38. build tension = budź napięcie build tension
40. build muscle = zbuduj mięsień build muscle
  • What had he been doing in the army to build such muscle?
  • Should have thought about it when they were young enough to build muscle.
  • In fact, the only way to build muscle is through exercise.
  • The weight of it has built muscle in my right arm.
  • In his view, military training, besides preparing a person for the future, built muscle and character.
  • He worked hard in the offseason, building enough muscle to increase his weight from 240 pounds to about 270.
  • This is why people who want to build muscle have 4 or 5 smaller meals throughout the day.
  • Experts say there's no scientific evidence the drug helps build muscle.
  • In addition to other nutrients, the human body needs protein to build muscles.
  • I could put on some weight and build muscle.
41. build partnerships = stwórz spółki build partnerships
45. proposal to build = propozycja budowania proposal to build
49. plan to build = plan budowania plan to build
51. effort to build = wysiłek by budować effort to build
54. attempt to build = próba budowania attempt to build
55. build locomotives = zmontuj lokomotywy build locomotives
56. build links = skonstruuj połączenia build links
57. build blocks = skonstruuj bloki build blocks
58. build a bomb = zmontuj bombę build a bomb
59. contract to build = umowa na budowanie contract to build
65. build a fence = zbuduj ogrodzenie build a fence
68. build a fire = rozpalać ognisko, rozpalać ogień build a fire
73. build products = skonstruuj produkty build products
79. build awareness = budź świadomość build awareness
80. build ties = skonstruuj krawaty build ties
83. build a wall = zbuduj ścianę build a wall
89. build a foundation = stwórz fundację build a foundation
91. decision to build = decyzja budować decision to build
92. money to build = pieniądze budować money to build
Verb + build
Kolokacji: 92
help build • begin building • start building • propose building • believed to have been built • say to have been built • enable to build • ...
build + Präposition
Kolokacji: 91
build up • built around • built upon • build out • built atop • ...
build + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 153
originally built • newly built • specially built • powerfully built • solidly built • built nearby • built entirely • slightly built • slowly build • ...

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