"balance" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

balance Substantiv

Substantiv + balance
Kolokacji: 36
trade balance • bank balance • account balance • fund balance • balance of payments • balance of power • ...
balance + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 18
balance sheet • balance beam • balance right • balance point • balance problem • ...
balance + Verb
Kolokacji: 23
balance shifts • balance changes • balance comes • balance goes • balance tips • ...
Verb + balance
Kolokacji: 45
review for balance • lose one's balance • keep one's balance • regain one's balance • get one's balance • catch one's balance • ...
1. review for balance = przegląd dla równowagi review for balance
5. get one's balance = dostawać czyjś równowaga get one's balance
6. catch one's balance = łapać czyjś równowaga catch one's balance
7. tip the balance = przechylać szalę, być języczkiem u wagi tip the balance
8. strike a balance = znajdować złoty środek strike a balance
9. give balance = daj równowagę give balance
  • Adam had to take hold of his arm to give him balance.
  • A lower center of gravity can give an athlete better balance.
  • Music, he went on, gives balance to a society caught up in new technologies.
  • It also gave balance to the Giants' running attack, which accounted for 130 yards.
  • She added that teaching gives balance to a poet's life.
  • But then he would have to turn Soulcatcher loose just to give balance to the world.
  • He stood, swayed, but urgency drove his pain down and fear gave balance.
  • "Singing and yoga, these are the kinds of things that give balance to a life."
  • His wings kept opening and closing slightly to give him balance.
  • They have given economic balance to an otherwise high-tech region.
16. change the balance = zmień równowagę change the balance
19. fund balance is reported = o równowadze funduszu informują fund balance is reported
20. bring balance = przynieś równowagę bring balance
21. alter the balance = zmień równowagę alter the balance
23. throw off balance = rzut z równowagi throw off balance
24. keep off balance = nie zbliż się do równowagi keep off balance
Adjektiv + balance
Kolokacji: 127
delicate balance • right balance • perfect balance • better balance • good balance • proper balance • competitive balance • ...
Präposition + balance
Kolokacji: 13
off balance • on balance • for balance • into balance • of balance • ...

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