"badly" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

badly Adverb

Verb + badly
Kolokacji: 197
badly damaged • badly needed • badly hurt • badly wounded • badly injured • behave badly • badly shaken • badly burned • ...
2. badly needed = źle potrzebować badly needed
6. behave badly = zachowaj się źle behave badly
10. feel badly = poczuj źle feel badly
  • I feel badly for our guys because they've been amazing all year.
  • Wasn't the fact that I felt badly about it enough?
  • I feel badly for her mother and the boys' parents, too.
  • Maybe he was just being kind, giving her this as a trade so she didn't feel badly about taking the new one.
  • But you have to feel badly for any field with Woods in it.
  • I've had children in the past who have not brought a gift that do feel really badly.
  • "I feel badly about what we're taking from people as it is."
  • A lot of the older people feel badly about it.
  • I would feel badly if other people weren't able to see what I've seen.
  • "Sometimes it is much longer, and you feel badly about that."
13. end badly = koniec źle end badly
14. treated badly = traktowany źle treated badly
15. go badly = iść źle, pójść źle go badly
17. badly hit = źle uderz badly hit
18. lose badly = przegraj źle lose badly
19. react badly = zareaguj źle react badly
21. play badly = zagraj źle play badly
22. badly bruised = źle posiniaczony badly bruised
23. badly written = słabo napisany badly written
24. fare badly = opłata za przejazd źle fare badly
25. stumble badly = potknij się źle stumble badly
29. miss badly = opuść źle miss badly
30. badly mauled = źle poturbować badly mauled
31. badly defeated = źle pokonany badly defeated
32. start badly = zacznij źle start badly
34. fail badly = doznaj niepowodzenia źle fail badly
35. badly broken = źle rozbity badly broken
36. badly designed = źle zaprojektowany badly designed
37. badly cut = źle potnij badly cut
38. badly managed = źle zarządzać badly managed
39. badly battered = źle poturbowany badly battered
40. badly outnumbered = źle przewyższyć liczebnie badly outnumbered
badly + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 15
badly wrong • badly broken • badly frightened • badly bruised • badly fitting • ...

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