"assign" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

assign Verb

assign + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 75
assign duties • assign responsibility • assign names • assign blame • assign the ZIP code • assign a value • assign the task • ...
1. assign duties = obowiązki beneficjenta assign duties
3. assign names = imiona beneficjenta assign names
4. assign blame = wina beneficjenta assign blame
  • Others fight over who has the better job when they are assigned different tasks.
  • He assigned his students the task of defining the word.
  • At their meeting, the House managers were assigned specific tasks for the trial.
  • Once, she was assigned the task of making a simple kite for a school project.
  • "Why were you assigned the task of operating a vehicle?"
  • There was also a decline in the ability to assign tasks.
  • When the authorities are assigned new tasks, their resources must be increased immediately.
  • He would be given a squad and assigned the task of bringing these girls to the island.
  • Once again the Battalions were assigned the same task, which was given earlier.
  • At the first level, mothers are assigned such tasks as working in the laundry.
9. assign command = polecenie beneficjenta assign command
11. assign officers = urzędnicy beneficjenta assign officers
12. assign priorities = priorytety beneficjenta assign priorities
Verb + assign
Kolokacji: 6
allow to assign • begin assigning • avoid assigning • involve assigning • include assigning • ...
assign + Präposition
Kolokacji: 28
assigned to • assigned by • assigned during • assigned under • assigned for • ...
assign + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 41
randomly assigned • initially assigned • originally assigned • permanently assigned • later assigned • ...

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