"arrive" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

arrive Verb

Verb + arrive
Kolokacji: 17
begin arriving • start arriving • scheduled to arrive • expected to arrive • begin to arrive • fail to arrive • ...
arrive + Präposition
Kolokacji: 55
arrive at • arrive until • arrive via • arrive aboard • arrive in • ...
1. arrive at = przybywać do, przybywa na, nadchodzić do, przyjeżdżać do arrive at
  • We had seen her the moment she arrived at our room.
  • And five minutes later he arrived at his own home.
  • I was happy when we finally arrived at the house.
  • Many students did not know about her death until they arrived at school.
  • We arrived in front of Al's at the same time.
  • He had moved outside before they arrived at the front door.
  • He arrived at her father's house in the town quite early.
  • He said, from the time she arrived at the house.
  • She arrived at his office a few minutes past five.
  • So I got in my car and arrived at the front door.
2. arrive until = przybywać do czasu gdy arrive until
3. arrive via = przybywać przez arrive via
4. arrive aboard = przybądź na pokładzie arrive aboard
5. arrive in = przybyć do, dotrzeć do arrive in
6. arrive before = przybądź wcześniej arrive before
7. arrive within = przybądź wewnątrz arrive within
8. arrive on = przybywać na arrive on
10. arrive with = przybywać z arrive with
11. arrive after = przybądź potem arrive after
12. arrive without = przybądź na zewnątrz arrive without
13. arrive near = przybądź blisko arrive near
14. arrive during = przybywać podczas arrive during
15. arrive by = przyjedź arrive by
16. arrive around = przybądź wokół arrive around
17. arrive for = przybywać dla arrive for
18. arrive through = przybądź całkowicie arrive through
19. arrive under = przybądź poniżej arrive under
20. arrive over = przybywać ponad arrive over
21. arrive to = przybywać aby arrive to
22. arrive about = przybywać około arrive about
23. arrive into = przybywać do arrive into
24. arrive of = przybywać z arrive of
25. arrive including = przybywać w tym arrive including
26. arrive between = przybądź pośrodku arrive between
27. arrive outside = przybądź na zewnątrz arrive outside
28. arrive off = przybywać daleko arrive off
29. arrive upon = przybywać na arrive upon
30. arrive off on = przybywać daleko na arrive off on
31. arrive behind = przybądź z tyłu arrive behind
32. arrived since = przybyć od tej pory arrived since
33. arrive amid = przybywać wśród arrive amid
arrive + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 75
finally arrive • arrive late • arrive early • newly arrived • arrive shortly • arrive safely • arrive home • eventually arrive • arrive later • ...

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