"amount" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

amount Substantiv

Substantiv + amount
Kolokacji: 134
dollar amount • trace amount • loan amount • set amount • record amount • payment amount • amount of money • ...
amount + Verb
Kolokacji: 99
amount varies • amount depends • amount increases • amount exceeds • amount goes • amount makes • amount causes • ...
(10) double, wager
Kolokacji: 2
(11) keep, save, prevent, dwarf
Kolokacji: 4
(13) exist, flow, circulate
Kolokacji: 3
(14) reflect, emit
Kolokacji: 2
(15) harm, impair
Kolokacji: 2
1. amount harms = ilość krzywdzi amount harms
2. amount impairs = ilość osłabia amount impairs
  • Consuming large amounts of flax seed can impair the effectiveness of certain oral medications, due to its fiber content.
  • Even small amounts can impair an individual's judgement and reactions, increasing the risk of an accident occurring.
  • Ingesting large amounts of fructose has been shown in animal studies to cause insulin resistance, impair glucose tolerance, increase insulin levels, raise triglycerides and contribute to high blood pressure.
  • Even small amounts of cocaine, the researchers found, impair the body's ability to detect an increase in temperature and reduce its ability to cool down through sweating and the dilation of blood vessels near the skin.
  • Even very small amounts of mercury can impair neurological development in fetuses and young children.
  • The warning from the Stop-DWI office of the County Department of Public Safety is that any amount of alcohol impairs driving, even though the body metabolizes about one drink an hour.
  • Larger amounts of blood alcohol can impair brain function and eventually cause unconsciousness.
  • Such a large amount of excess capacity must severely impair the effective functioning of the accelerator.
  • Excessive amounts of such fluid can impair breathing by limiting the expansion of the lungs during ventilation.
  • Mr. Shanahan, who said he was familiar with the crash only through news accounts, said there had been recent studies showing that even a small amount of alcohol consumption could impair boat operators.
Verb + amount
Kolokacji: 209
sell amounts • contain amounts • produce amounts • make an amount • provide an amount • generate an amount • consume amounts • ...
Adjektiv + amount
Kolokacji: 255
large amount • small amount • certain amount • significant amount • huge amount • considerable amount • fair amount • ...
Präposition + amount
Kolokacji: 24
after an amount • that amount • into an amount • by an amount • between the amount • ...

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