"amount" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

amount Substantiv

Substantiv + amount
Kolokacji: 134
dollar amount • trace amount • loan amount • set amount • record amount • payment amount • amount of money • ...
amount + Verb
Kolokacji: 99
amount varies • amount depends • amount increases • amount exceeds • amount goes • amount makes • amount causes • ...
1. amount varies = ilość różni się amount varies
2. amount depends = ilość zależy amount depends
3. amount increases = wzrosty ilości amount increases
  • Party leaders have said the amount could exceed $5 million.
  • But former bank officials say the amount never exceeded more than $1.4 billion at any one time.
  • Total amount raised for the cause exceeds $550,000 to date.
  • Its charge of 12 percent on amounts exceeding $100,000 will stay the same.
  • But the agency added that the amount exceeded what would be found naturally.
  • The amount of movement will typically not exceed 10-15 degrees.
  • The combined amount may not exceed $200,000 plus up to $40,000 for personal property.
  • One exception is when the amount of the compromise exceeds $25,000.
  • The amount of money exceeded over $63,000, that alone was the price to rent cameras for the project.
  • The amount of return fire should not exceed that sufficient to protect the force and continue the mission.
5. amount goes = ilość idzie amount goes
6. amount makes = ilość robi amount makes
7. amount causes = ilość powoduje amount causes
8. amount spends = ilość wydaje amount spends
9. amount comes = ilość przychodzi amount comes
10. amount produces = ilość produkuje amount produces
11. amount changes = zmiany ilości amount changes
12. amount rises = ilość wzrasta amount rises
13. amount helps = ilość pomaga amount helps
14. amount decreases = ilość obniża się amount decreases
15. amount falls = ilość spada amount falls
16. amount reduces = ilość redukuje amount reduces
17. amount grows = ilość rośnie amount grows
18. amount needs = ilość potrzebuje amount needs
19. amount remains = ilość pozostaje amount remains
20. amount takes = ilość bierze amount takes
21. amount ranging = obejmowanie ilości amount ranging
22. amount pays = ilość płaci amount pays
23. amount occurs = ilość następuje amount occurs
24. amount affects = afekty ilości amount affects
25. amount receives = ilość otrzymuje amount receives
26. amount leaves = liście ilości amount leaves
27. amount reaches = ilość dochodzi amount reaches
Verb + amount
Kolokacji: 209
sell amounts • contain amounts • produce amounts • make an amount • provide an amount • generate an amount • consume amounts • ...
Adjektiv + amount
Kolokacji: 255
large amount • small amount • certain amount • significant amount • huge amount • considerable amount • fair amount • ...
Präposition + amount
Kolokacji: 24
after an amount • that amount • into an amount • by an amount • between the amount • ...

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