"allocate" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

allocate Verb

allocate + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 32
allocate resources • allocate money • allocate funds • allocate seats • allocate funding • ...
3. allocate funds = asygnuj fundusze allocate funds
4. allocate funding = przydziel finansowanie allocate funding
5. allocate shares = przydziel akcje allocate shares
6. allocate several percent = przydzielać kilka procent allocate several percent
7. allocate capital = przydziel kapitał allocate capital
  • One likely cause is that they tend to do a poor job of allocating capital among their various divisions.
  • I happen to have a talent for allocating capital.
  • The primary role of finance is to allocate capital to productive use.
  • Through the internal market, different parts of conglomerate allocate capital more effectively.
  • The central plan substituted for these by allocating capital and customers from the center.
  • The smart, aggressive, tireless men and women in it allocate capital.
  • "We're very comfortable with how management allocates capital," he said.
  • "I am the only person who has the ability to allocate capital."
  • An investor is a person who allocates capital with the expectation of a financial return.
  • No doubt the Government would do a horrible job of allocating capital, but that does not prove the market is doing a very good one.
8. allocate part = przydziel część allocate part
9. allocate an amount = przydziel ilość allocate an amount
10. allocate assets = przydziel aktywa allocate assets
11. allocate bandwidth = przydziel szerokość pasma allocate bandwidth
12. allocate credit = przydziel kredyt allocate credit
(2) seat, space, memory, place
Kolokacji: 4
(5) billions, millions
Kolokacji: 2
(6) spectrum, energy, water
Kolokacji: 3
allocate + Präposition
Kolokacji: 21
allocated to • allocated for • allocated on • allocated in • allocated from • ...
allocate + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 14
originally allocated • initially allocated • allocate efficiently • dynamically allocated • randomly allocated • ...

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