"advise" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

advise Verb

advise + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 82
advise clients • advise companies • advise people • advise students • advise the President • advise investors • advise the government • ...
1. advise people = poradź ludziom advise people
2. advise women = poradź kobietom advise women
3. advise caution = zalecać ostrożność advise caution
  • Some researchers have advised caution about the reported positive results of the project.
  • There were times, though, when the list advised caution, especially as to speed.
  • The language is sufficiently strange that I would advise caution.
  • I advise more caution in the choice of your friends!
  • Still, E-mail is a medium famous for being sent in the heat of the moment, and she advised caution.
  • They have to advise caution in the use of finance.
  • "I must advise caution," he said in a low voice.
  • But he advised caution to anyone who would read too much into this.
  • I would advise caution about what is said in this Chamber.
  • That is why I advised caution at the beginning of my remarks.
4. advise families = poradź rodzinom advise families
5. advise candidates = poradź kandydatom advise candidates
6. advise owners = poradź właścicielom advise owners
7. advise listeners = poradź słuchaczom advise listeners
8. advise Americans = poradź Amerykanom advise Americans
9. advise farmers = poradź rolnikom advise farmers
10. advise banks = poradź bankom advise banks
11. advise individuals = poradź osobom advise individuals
12. advise one's friends = radzić czyjś przyjaciele advise one's friends
14. advise workers = poradź robotnikom advise workers
15. advise one's children = radzić czyjś dzieci advise one's children
16. advise the Queen = poradź Królowej advise the Queen
17. advise reporters = poradź reporterom advise reporters
18. advise homeowners = poradź gospodarzom advise homeowners
19. advise writers = poradź pisarzom advise writers
20. advise developers = poradź developerom advise developers
21. advise artists = poradź artystom advise artists
22. advise countries = poradź krajom advise countries
23. advise fans = poradź fanom advise fans
24. advise collectors = poradź kolekcjonerom advise collectors
(6) investor, shareholder
Kolokacji: 2
(8) parent, son, mother
Kolokacji: 3
(10) Congress, patience, Parliament
Kolokacji: 3
(12) player, NASA, seller
Kolokacji: 3
(14) driver, motorist
Kolokacji: 2
(15) policymaker
Kolokacji: 1
Verb + advise
Kolokacji: 7
begin advising • help advise • include advising • continue advise • involve advising • ...
advise + Präposition
Kolokacji: 18
advise against • advised by • advise on • advise about • advise for • ...
advise + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 37
well advised • strongly advise • repeatedly advised • better advised • generally advised • ...

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