TWiT 692: Ravioli for the Recount

Kategorie: Computer und Technologie
Kanal: This Week in Tech
Datum: 12. November 2018, 2:51
Stufe: C1-C2 (Fortgeschrittene)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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This Week in Tech (Audio)

  • Apple's new iPad Pro is not the future of Apple, but it does point to it.
  • Alibaba sells $1 billion in the first 85 seconds of Singles Day.
  • Tech doomsayer says that the vast majority of people will soon be "The Useless Class."
  • 22% of Americans still trust Facebook.
  • Oprah's favorite things list on Amazon does not include goat soap.
  • Amazon must give police Echo data and recordings in murder case.
  • DEA and ICE are installing secret surveillance cameras in street lights.
  • China unveils the first AI news anchor.
  • Tesla Bioweapon Defense Mode keeps owners in smoke-filled California safe.
  • With Net Neutrality gone, Sprint starts throttling Skype.
  • FCC has harsh words about robocalls.

Host: Leo Laporte

Guests: Lisa Schmeiser, Mikah Sargent, and Wesley Faulkner

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