MBW 607: The iPad in Andy's Pants

Kategorie: Computer und Technologie
Kanal: Mac Break Weekly
Datum: 25. April 2018, 0:28
Stufe: C1-C2 (Fortgeschrittene)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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MacBreak Weekly (Audio)

Broken iMac Pro and the Right to Repair. iPhone earnings silly season is in full effect. Users love the iPhone X. AT&T and Verizon collude to try to stop eSIM. EU cries anti-trust over Apple's Shazam purchase.

  • Alex's Pick: Roblox
  • Andy's Pick: Super Cheap Chinese LED Panels
  • Lory's Pick: Prince - Nothing Compares 2 U

Hosts: Rene Ritchie, Andy Ihnatko, and Alex Lindsay

Guest: Lory Gil

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