127 - Guys and Girls

Kategorie: Englisch Lernen
Kanal: China232 Fun English Lessons
Datum: 26. Juli 2010, 12:34
Stufe: B1-B2 (Mittelstufe)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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In this English podcast we talk about relationships and some problems guys and girls have in them.  Listen and learn English for daily life and relationships.


A:  What are you doing later?

B:  My girlfriend is dragging me to the opening of the new Apple store in Shanghai.  Her birthday is in a week and I know she’d love a new laptop.

A:  The stores on the mainland are super expensive.  You can save a lot if you buy one in Hong Kong. 

B:  I’m not looking to save a couple of bucks.  Our relationship is on the rocks and I can feel I need to shell out for a decent birthday gift if I want to save it.  I’ll probably take her on a trip too.

A:  What happened?  I thought you guys were doing really well. 

B:  I’ve been a bit distant lately and she can feel it.  We’ve been going out for 2 years now and it’s gotten a bit stale.  She says it feels like I don’t have both feet in the relationship.  A lot of other guys are after her and I can feel I need to start giving her more attention if we’re going to make it.

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