
Kategorie: Englisch Lernen
Kanal: China232 Fun English Lessons
Datum: 27. August 2008, 7:37
Stufe: B1-B2 (Mittelstufe)

Note: 0 (Anzahl der Bewertungen: 0)

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This ESL podcast is all about the health benefits of drinking green tea.


- Green tea contains high levels of antioxidants.  Antioxidants are particles that remove the charge from the free radicals moving around the body.  Over time, free radicals damage the body.  Free radicals are said to cause cancer, heart disease, aging, and many other problems.

– Green tea helps boost the immune system.  The immune system is the body’s own natural defence system against viruses and bacteria.  If we didn’t have an immune system, we would die from a common cold.  A healthy immune system helps us to get sick less often.

– Green tea helps to suppress appetite.  This indirectly helps people to maintain a healthy weight.

– Green tea helps to stabilize blood sugar levels.  Maintaining stable blood sugar levels reduces the risk of aquiring type 2 diabetes.   

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