Security Now!

SN 599: TLS Interception INsecurity

Hinzugefügt: 15. Februar 2017

Patch Tuesday DELAYED (and we may know why!), our favorite ad-blocker embraces the last major browser, a university gets attacked by its own vending machines, PHP leaps into the future, a slick...

SN 598: Two Armed Bandits

Hinzugefügt: 8. Februar 2017

Speak of the devil... printers around the world get hacked! Vizio's TVs really were watching their watchers, Windows has a new 0-day problem, Android's easy-to-hack pattern lock, an arsonist's...

SN 597: Traitors In Our Midst

Hinzugefügt: 1. Februar 2017

The best "I'm not a Robot" video ever, Cisco's WebEx problem is far more pervasive than first believed, more bad news (and maybe some good news) for Netgear, Gmail adds .js to the no-no list, a...

SN 596: Password Complexity

Hinzugefügt: 25. Januar 2017

Symantec issues additional invalid certificates while on probation, Tavis Ormandy finds a very troubling problem in Cisco's Web conferencing extension for Chrome, yesterday's important update to...

SN 595: What's Up with WhatsApp?

Hinzugefügt: 18. Januar 2017

A classic bug at GoDaddy bypassed domain validation for 8850 issued certificates, could flashing a peace sign compromise your biometric data?, it's not only new IoT devices that may tattle, many...

SN 594: A Look Into PHP Malware

Hinzugefügt: 11. Januar 2017

The US Federal Trade Commission steps into the IoT and home networking malpractice world, a radio station learns a lesson in what words NOT to repeat, Google plans to even eliminate the checkbox, a...

SN 593: I'm NOT a Robot! (Really)

Hinzugefügt: 4. Januar 2017

Law enforcement and the Internet of Tattling things, a very worrisome new and widespread PHP eMail vulnerability, Paul and Mary Jo score a big concession from Microsoft, a six-year-old "hacker"...

SN 592: The Portable Dog Killer

Hinzugefügt: 27. Dezember 2016

Steve Gibson tells how he built a device at 16 years old to solve a problem with a neighborhood dog.Original podcast date: May 13, 2010, Episode 248.
Hosts: Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte

SN 591: Law Meets Internet

Hinzugefügt: 21. Dezember 2016

This week, Leo and Steve discuss Russia's hacking involvement in the US Election; that, incredibly, it gets even worse for Yahoo!, misguided anti-porn legislation in South Carolina, troubling...

SN 590: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 245

Hinzugefügt: 14. Dezember 2016

This week, Leo and Steve discuss ticket-buying bots getting their hand slapped (do they have hands?), a truly nasty new addition to encrypting ransomware operation, a really dumb old problem...

SN 589: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 244

Hinzugefügt: 7. Dezember 2016

Leo and Steve discuss Android meeting Gooligan, Windows Upgrades bypass Bitlocker, nearly one million UK routers taken down by a Mirai variant, the popular AirDroid app is "Doing it wrong",...

SN 588: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 243

Hinzugefügt: 30. November 2016

A wonderful quote about random numbers, our standard interesting mix of security do's and dont's, new exploits (WordPress dodged a big bullet!), planned changes, tips & tricks, things to patch, a...

SN 587: Mobile & IoT Nightmares

Hinzugefügt: 23. November 2016

Samy Kamkar is back with a weaponized $5 RaspberryPI. "El Cheapo" Android phones bring new meaning to "Phoning it in". Watching a webcam getting taken over. Bruce Schneier speaks to Congress about...

SN 586: The BlackNurse Attack

Hinzugefügt: 16. November 2016

Results from our listener's informal CAIDA spoofing testing. LessPass turned out to be even less than it appeared. Steve's day at Yubico. News from PwnFest & Mobile Pwn2Own. The probable...

SN 585: The Windows AtomBomb

Hinzugefügt: 9. November 2016

Leo and I discuss the answer to last week’s security & privacy puzzler, Let's Encrypt Squarespace, the new open source "LessPass" app, LastPass goes mobile-free, many problems with OAuth, popular...

SN 584: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 242

Hinzugefügt: 2. November 2016

Leo and Steve discuss an oh-so-subtle side-channel attack on Intel processors, the quest for verifiable hacker-proof code (which oh-so-subtle side-channel attacks on processors can exploit...


Hinzugefügt: 26. Oktober 2016

Leo and Steve discuss last week's major attack on DNS, answering the question of whether the Internet is still working?, we look at Linux's worrisome "Dirty COW" bug rediscovered in the kernel...

SN 582: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 241

Hinzugefügt: 19. Oktober 2016

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Steve Gibson
Leo and Steve discuss some serious concerns raised over compelled biometric authentication, a detailed dive into the recently completed audit of VeraCrypt (the...

SN 581: Yahoo and Primal Worries

Hinzugefügt: 12. Oktober 2016

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Steve Gibson
Leo and Steve discuss today's Windows update changes for 7 and 8.1, an exploit purchaser offers a $1.5 million bounty for iOS hacks, WhisperSystems encounter first...

SN 580: Your Questions, Steve's Answers 240

Hinzugefügt: 4. Oktober 2016

Hosts: Steve Gibson, Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ
An "update" on Microsoft's GWX remover, an encouraging direction for the Windows 10 Edge browser, HP's "security update" blocks non-HP ink cartridges, a...