In future weeks, the idea is to focus more on individual match-ups and sit/start dilemmas, maybe take some Twitter questions.
In future weeks, there will be more statistics and a briefing on changes in the law that you need to know about.
But even if some potential viewers do choose to stay in their gardens in future weeks, they may not be lost to the show.
In future weeks, the groups would sometimes be rearranged because of absences and other factors.
At the end of the first week you will have a solid foundation on which to build in future weeks.
These discussions will continue in future weeks with other members of the Times staff.
These discussions will continue in future weeks with other Times editors.
In future weeks, we will trace the factors that shaped their design during the four decades that followed.
The details of the votes are never announced, as this may influence subsequent votes in future weeks.
I've seen no more of the show than you, so it may be that I revise the structure of this blog in future weeks.