He could almost see the jet blast and wind ruffling her short hair, tossing it over in front of her eyes.
He squatted by the wing, clear of the jet blast as the pilot ran his throttle down.
Without a deflector, jet blast can be dangerous to people, equipment and other aircraft.
Due to concerns about jet blast, the four engines were moved to a position underneath an enlarged tailplane.
The jet blast lashed him as the Lear rose and turned inland for the airfield.
They will tug on their locks with big, round brushes for 20 to 40 minutes and dry them with a jet blast of hot air.
Gradually Tom was able to adjust the jet blast to a force just great enough to counteract the wind pressure.
The beach itself is white sand and has little to no vegetation because of jet blast erosion.
"The jet blast will fry him when we take off."
An Intruder thundered off the bow, and the jet blast whipped at his jacket.