A group representing waterfront neighborhoods outside Manhattan urged officials yesterday to rebuild city transfer stations that ship waste by water.
Johnson's Pond, a waterfront neighborhood, houses facilities for fishing and watersports.
It is one of four that will cover waterfront neighborhoods.
Soon, signs will be posted around Brooklyn's waterfront neighborhoods with pictures of shards, saying, "Have you seen this?"
In waterfront neighborhoods, people shudder to see these relics twisting their way along the rocky channel.
It will explore the waterfront neighborhoods where a variety of art, music and performance spaces has sprouted in the last few years.
This can be done in a lot of waterfront neighborhoods where residents don't have access to the water.
They became instant legends in a ragged waterfront neighborhood addicted to boxing.
It is one of few older buildings left in the waterfront neighborhood.
Thousands of people have poured into the waterfront neighborhoods to live and work.