Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing

Why Nobody Says 'You're Welcome' Anymore. Whose. Chimichanga.

Hinzugefügt: 15. Juli 2022 - Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 5

People often ask why people say "no worries" or "no problem" instead of "you're welcome," and we actually found an answer! Also, we look at whether it's OK to use "whose" for inanimate objects in a...

Code-Switching. Mignon Snaps Over Numbers. Foomp.

Hinzugefügt: 8. Juli 2022

The numbers sections of style books finally pushed me over the edge, and I have some stories you won't believe! We also talk about how cool code-switching is.Transcript:...

Surprising Words Related to 'Freedom.' Double Subjects. Foop.

Hinzugefügt: 1. Juli 2022

For Independence Day, we look at the word "freedom" and the surprising words that came from the same roots. Plus, we look at odd sentences with double subjects and when you should (and shouldn't)...

'Ant' or 'Ahnt'? Capitalizing Cocktail Names. Archie Bunker.

Hinzugefügt: 24. Juni 2022

What's up with the fancy-schmancy "ahnt" pronunciation of the word "aunt"? And why are the rules about capitalizing cocktail  names so wonky? We have all the answers today!Transcript:...

The Many Meanings of 'Father.' How Watergate Changed English. Punim

Hinzugefügt: 17. Juni 2022

"Father" as a word shows how we humans love to extend our metaphors. Did you know it was only relatively recently that priests were  referred to as "father," for example? And then, for the 50th...

Demonyms: Why People from North Carolina Are Called Tar Heels. 'Healthy' Versus 'Healthful.' Sussies 3!

Hinzugefügt: 10. Juni 2022

Are people from Liverpool really called "Liverpudlians"? Where does the name "Tar Heel" come from? We have the answers to some of the most interesting questions about demonyms: the names for people...

Are Wisdom Teeth Smart? Capitalizing Degree Names. Sussies 2

Hinzugefügt: 3. Juni 2022

This week, we look at what makes wisdom teeth so smart, how to properly write the name of your degree, and what's up with the "sussies" familect?Transcript:...

Whatever Happened to "Thou"?

Hinzugefügt: 27. Mai 2022

In an age when eels were sometimes used as currency and castles pierced the sky, “thou” was all the rage. But over time, it disappeared from use. Where did it go? And will it ever make a...

How Spellers Tackle the 'Dreaded Schwa'

Hinzugefügt: 20. Mai 2022

You'll never view spellers in the bee asking questions the same way again after you learn about the schwa from Brian Sietsema, an associate pronouncer for the Scripps National Spelling...

Why "'Em" Isn't Short for "Them." The Subjunctive. Sussies.

Hinzugefügt: 13. Mai 2022

When you say "Go get 'em!" you think that's short for "Go get them," but you're wrong! We look at the fascinating history of some English pronouns. Plus, we look at how Neil Gaiman uses the...

Tomi Adeyemi: The Writing Life and Her New Writing Course.

Hinzugefügt: 6. Mai 2022

With her book "Children of Blood and Bone" spending 120 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, Tomi Adeyemi knows what it takes to write a great book. Listen in on my conversation with this...

Scissors, Jeans, and Other Nouns That Are Always Plural. Flat Adverbs. Boteep.

Hinzugefügt: 28. April 2022

Today, we'll talk about some weird nouns that are always plural, and then we'll go two-dimensional and talk about flat adverbs.
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If earth looks like a blue marble, why is Earth Day associated with the color green? Also, 'funnest.'

Hinzugefügt: 21. April 2022

The famous NASA "blue marble" image could have influenced people to make blue the color of environmentalism and Earth Day, but green won the day. In honor of the special day, we look at how the...

You Know. Doppelganger. Trademarks. Funnily. Chicken Milk.

Hinzugefügt: 14. April 2022

It's "listener question extravaganza" time, so I have some quick hits on discourse markers such as "you know," where we get the word "doppelganger," how to punctuate around trademarks, and the...

I Cannot Tell a Lie (but I Can Mislead)! And Sometimes People Do It With Percentages.

Hinzugefügt: 8. April 2022

We look at the linguistic difference between lying and misleading, and then because people often lie with numbers, we look at the difference between "percent" and "percentage" and how to use...

How Aphasia Causes Difficulty Speaking. Chairdrobe.

Hinzugefügt: 31. März 2022

Prodded by Bruce Willis's family's announcement that he is leaving acting after being diagnosed with aphasia, we revisited language disorders, and the kinds of things we can learn from...

Why Tired People Talk About Being 'Out of Spoons.' Why Nouns Are More Complicated Than You May Think.

Hinzugefügt: 24. März 2022

A few months ago, I started to notice people talking about spoons in a weird way, so I investigated and found that people are using an interesting concept called "spoon theory." Also this week, we...

Barracking, Sheilas and Shouts: How the Irish Influenced Australian English

Hinzugefügt: 17. März 2022

"Barracking," "sheilas" and "shouts": How the Irish influenced Australian English. Plus, what makes "NASA" different from "FBI."
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The Oxford Comma. And Should You Start a Sentence with 'And'?

Hinzugefügt: 10. März 2022

Have you ever wondered why it's called the "Oxford comma"? We have the answer to that and many more questions you may have about this controversial punctuation mark. Plus, we'll also talk about why...

Is 'Materiel' Just a Fancy Pronunciation of 'Material'? Are Binomials the Same Across Languages?

Hinzugefügt: 3. März 2022

A listener wondered about the word "materiel." What's its deal (and is it related to "personnel")? Plus, "pepper and salt." "Groom and bride." "White and black." Are binomials the same across...